Part 13

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Chapter 12

"One.. two... three... One... two... Three..." Hiccup mumbled under his breath as he and Astrid danced. Unfortunately, Astrid's ears picked it up and she smiled.

"Not one for dances I take?" She asked lightly as they twirled around the dancefloor.

"I'm just not used to this dance," Hiccup answered. "Where I'm from the dances are more...... rowdier."

"And where is that good sir?" Astrid asked as her eyes shone in curiosity.

"Uhm.... out at sea," Hiccup answered as he just realized he probably shouldn't have given away that he was not from this kingdom. This woman was flustering him so badly and he didn't know what it was; Just that there was attraction in the air. Toothless would have probably already slapped him with his tail if he had traveled with him. 'Rolled his eyes too probably........ Useless reptile.' Hiccup thought briefly.

"For someone who hasn't waltzed a lot you are doing remarkably well. What other mysteries are you hiding, good sir?" Astrid jokingly asked but it snapped Hiccup out of his brief musings causing him to sputter.

"Milady, I-I'm just a humble blacksmith here," he muttered.

Astrid smiled as they twirled, the waltz was coming to an end and the other couples on the floor were about to make their way off. "What about out there?" She asked, having picked up on his wording.

"Well... uhm...." Thankfully Hiccup was interrupted by the menacing twins, a.k.a. Ruffnut and Tuffnut.

"Lady Astrid!" Lady Ruffnut boisterously exclaimed, making her way towards Astrid and Hiccup after they had left the dancefloor while dragging another blond behind her. Astrid was enveloped in a hearty hug that had the people closest to them gossiping on the audacity of hugging a Marchioness in public in mere minutes, as well as what the status was of the lady daring to hug someone of such high noble rank in public.Usually public displays for affection were reserved for behind closed doors as well as limited to members of the family or fiances.

"Lady Astrid, it's good to see you again," Ruffnut said and then gave a small bow. As an afterthought, she asked "I can still call you Lady Astrid right?"

"Of course," Astrid giggled. She quite liked the bubbly, slightly crazy, blond woman. So different from the Noble ladies of this kingdom. It was like a breath of fresh air. She looked at the person Lady Ruffnut had been dragging and could immediately see the resemblance. "Are you perhaps Sir Tuffnut?" She then asked.

"Tuffnut Thorston, Ambassador of Berk, at your service," Tuffnut made an extravagant bow causing his sister to roll her eyes.

"Yes yes, she knows who you are now." Ruffnut muttered and then her eyes landed on Hiccup. "Oh hi Hiccup! I didn't know you were coming,"

"You two know each other?" Astrid quirked a brow as she asked this.

"No," Hiccup said the same time Tuffnut answered "Yes,"

"Hiccup how vhfmmm-" Tuffnut was quickly cut off when Ruffnut smacked a hand over his mouth.

"W-what I meant was, everyone knows of the envoys of Berk, right?" He asked with a slightly nervous chuckle. "Who knows. They might have visited the forge when I was busy hammering away. Gobber can definitely tell you how I get."

"Smooth Hiccup, smooth," Ruffnut whispered and then sharply drew her hand back as she glared at her brother "Did you just lick me?!" She hissed.

"Ew," Ruffnut muttered while her brother turned his attention back to Astrid.

"Lady Astrid, have you perhaps seen Chicken?" he then asked.

"You're asking if I've seen a chicken?" Astrid muttered and frowned before looking at the buffet table.

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