Part 44

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Chapter 43

Before Esmeralda could fully recover, one of her men ran into the ruins of the castle to shout "We're being attacked!"

A loud boom was heard outside and debris fell from what was left of the old rotting ceiling. An old and termite-infested wooden beam fell near the middle of the room as more shrieks and clangs of metal could be heard.

"Retreat! All of you retreat!" The mercenary leader that had been restraining Rosalinda shouted as he shoved the girl away from him. Rose fell on the ground hard and glared at the man as disheveled strands of hair clung to her sweaty face.

"What about our client?" Astrid could hear a mercenary asking.

"Do you want money or do you want your life?" The leader grabbed that man by the throat and shook him before he ordered the men inside to follow him through the back door of the ruined castle.

"Rose.... ROSE!" Astrid whispered as she tried to get the other's attention. She gestured at the ropes still binding her. Rose crawled over and tried to untie the knots but they wouldn't budge. The screaming outside and the clang of metal was more prominent now and Astrid wasn't sure if these were allies or more enemies. She'd rather have both her hands free to at the very least cause so much damage.

"Hold on," Rose uttered as the girl felt around for a sharp rock when the rotting double doors were blasted open. Both ladies stared openmouthed at who and what had just entered.

"AAAH!" Was shouted as a dragon burst through the doorway and firmly deposited its rider... or well the person clinging to its back... on the ground. Astrid belatedly realized that it was the same dragon that had crashed her tea party. "Sir Eret?!" Astrid uttered upon seeing the disheveled man that had been thrown from the Nadder. Said Nadder, in the midst of all the chaos, then proceeded to sit on Sir Eret and cuddle him.

"My Lady there you are!" Atali uttered as she entered the ruins as well, mace in hand. She slipped past the purring dragon and its unfortunate plush toy and quickly made her way towards her mistress to unbind her.

"I am very glad to see you Atali," Astrid said as the ropes were cut. "But why is that dragon here and why is it humping Sir Eret?"

"It's a long story Milady but your Knight Order is taking care of those vile kidnappers out front as we speak. We only-" Atali stopped when she noticed the semi-unconscious Esmeralda on the dirty floor. "Uhm...?"

"Secure my... stepmother," Astrid ordered while glaring at the prone figure. "She's the mastermind," Atali looked incredulous for just a moment before the maid sprang into action.

With Esmeralda bound and Rose and Astrid freed they emerged from the ruins to see that the knights had the situation under control. Even the mercenary leader and his cohorts that tried escaping through the back were now at swordpoint. Astrid looked around as the Nadder had relinquished Eret and was circling the firepit that held a roasted chicken. None of her knights seemed afraid of the dragon, or better said they gave the beast a wide berth and did not antagonize it.

"We meet again my fair Lady," A familiar voice uttered and made a dramatic bow before her.

"Snotlout? What are you doing here?" Astrid asked a bit perplexed. She thought the shorter man had gone back to Berk with Hiccup to get things ready for their plan.

"As I said Milady, it is a long story, one that is better told in front of a warm fire with a calming cup of tea." Atali explained.

"First throw Esmeralda in the same cart as those mercenaries and deliver her to the Magistrate," Astrid ordered. She saw Rose's shocked look and said "I've tolerated a lot from your mother but this has crossed the line. She will be dealt with,"

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