Part 45

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Chapter 44

"Where are the pearls?!" Atali shouted as one of the other maids was looking through the jewelry box frantically. All the while Astrid was seated on the divan while her makeup was being done and shoes were being selected. They had less than an hour to make her presentable to Royalty and by Thor were they going to pull it off.

Being presentable to visit the Royal Palace and entertaining Royalty at ones own estate were two vastly different situations. Astrid was quite sure the butler and the other maids were checking thrice to see if the reception area, foyer and most of the ground floor was spotless and as it was almost time for a luncheon the chefs were probably running around trying to revise the menu to be more... elaborate.

'All for that pompous Crown Prince,' Astrid thought, though she didn't voice that particular opinion.

"Found it!" The maid exclaimed and then walked towards her employer with a four-string pearl choker necklace. The piece had an elaborate engraving of an agate rose set as its centerpiece. It matched perfectly with the velvet dark blue gown Astrid squeezed into. The ensemble was finished with a pearl and sapphire broach and as she stood up with help from the maids she smoothed out her skirt before being helped to step into the dark blue heels as the crinoline made it impossible to see below her waist.

Rosalinda, dressed similarly to Astrid though sporting a cream-colored gown, met Astrid in the hallway leading to the grand foyer as one of the maids hurriedly walked towards them to announce that the Prince's carriage had entered the estate.

"Why did he come here now?!" Rose whispered as she followed close to Astrid. Edwin too, joined them as he was fiddling with his ascot.

"Sister...s? What is going on?" Edwin asked as Astrid shot him a look to leave the ascot be.

"I do not know," Astrid pursed her lips at the sudden visit. While she didn't know the exact reason the Prince would visit the estate she could imagine several scenarios playing out. None ended well for her family and servants.

"I don't see how he dares to visit after breaking our engagement so cruelly." Rose seethed. "Did his ego deflate just like his endowment?"

Astrid choked upon hearing that crude sentence and nearly slipped on the carpet as they were nearing the stairs. Her head whipped around and she glared at Rose to hold her tongue lest her head fly off her shoulders.

"Welcome your Highness," Astrid quickly composed herself upon seeing Prince Grimmel in their foyer taking off his gloves. "What brings you to our humble abode?"

Edwin escorted Astrid down the stairs as she was higher in position while Atali helped Rosalinda. Rose, not wanting the Prince to see how his cruel words had affected her unfurled her lace fan and hid part of her face.

"I would hardly call your estate humble Marchioness," Grimmel announced as his attendant stood at attention near him to take his gloves. The door was still open and Astrid saw that several knights had accompanied the Prince.

"Sir and Lady Anderson," The Prince greeted to which Edwin and Rose reluctantly bowed in recognition.

"Will you be joining us for our luncheon?" Astrid then asked while inwardly trying to hold back the biting remark she'd wish she'd made.

"I just may. There is a rather concerning matter I wish to discuss with you," The Prince stated.

"Then why don't we adjourn to the parlour?" Astrid suggested and then gave a nod to William who was standing nearby to let the chefs know.

Once in the parlour Rose and Edwin settled on the settee while the Prince and Astrid claimed the single seaters inbetween an ornate lamp. It wasn't long there after when two maids arrived. Each maid was pushing a tray and once uncovered they left the dishes on the wooden table inbetween the room's occupants. The table now sported lemon Pudding, honeycombs, scalloped veal, curried eggs and jam tart. Atali also entered the room with a tray that boasted a very ornate tea set.

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