Part 22

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Chapter 21

It was nearly dusk as a caravan made its way along dirt-covered roads. The caravan consisted of several horse-drawn wagons filled to the brim with supplies, twelve knights on horseback and an ornate carriage in the middle that sported the Hofferson Family Coat of Arms, two crossed axes on the border around a blue and purple striped shield that showed off a dragon ready to attack. A golden banner was engraved below the shield that read 'Sapere aude', Dare to be Wise.

The carriage went over a rather large rock causing the occupants inside to shake and jostle. Or in this case wake up. Astrid, who had fallen asleep during their journey jolted awake and was ready to punch something. When it became apparent that only she, Atali and Hiccup were present in the carriage she lowered her fist.

"Miss!" Atali whispered, trying to be discreet, as she motioned to the side of Astrid's mouth. Astrid felt the drool with her fingers and blushed. She blushed even more when she realized that she had fallen asleep against Hiccup's shoulder and had effectively drooled on him. Hiccup unfortunately took no offence to the matter and just offered her his handkerchief.

"Thanks," Astrid mumbled as she accepted it.

"It looked like you needed the sleep," Hiccup commented as he tried to fill the awkward silence.

"I guess. I've had a lot on my plate lately," Astrid stated. "And now I dragged you into my problems as well." She thought back to yesterday and how Hiccup had gotten dragged into accompanying her on her fief inspection. She should have been more tactful but it wasn't everyday one rebuffed Royalty.

"Your Highness, to what do we owe the honor?" Astrid heard Lady Arkas ask.

"I was simply in the neighbourhood and thought that I would drop in." Grimmel had stated. "Surely you wouldn't refuse me,". Astrid felt the hairs on the back of her neck prickle when she saw the Prince briefly looking in her direction.

"O-Of course not your Highness." Lady Griselda uttered. "You were invited afterall."

"Please carry on," Prince Grimmel then announced to the guests and the party continued. Astrid watched the Prince approach her and Hiccup and she could see Lady Arkas's displeased expression behind the Prince's back.

"Marchioness Hofferson," The Prince greeted and Astrid extended her hand as was courtesy. He kissed the back of it and then turned to look in Hiccup's direction with slightly cold eyes. "I see you already have an escort."

"That I do your Highness," Astrid said as she kept her voice even.

"I had hoped that I would be able to escort you today," He then said.

"That would have been delightful, your Highness," Astrid said tactfully. It certainly would not have been but she couldn't just scream that to the man's face. Otherwise she'd be committing Lese-majeste. Offending Royalty was a serious crime which often resulted in beheadings. "Perhaps Lady Arkas could benefit from your escort?" She then suggested.

"Are you rejecting my generosity Lady Hofferson?" Grimmel now asked as his eyes narrowed at her.

"Not at all your Highness," Astrid uttered as she squeezed Hiccup's arm unconsciously. "It's just, I have a prior engagement to attend to with my escort after this. I made a promise and I am a lady of my word. I was merely suggesting that one of the other ladies present might... benefit from the attentions of a Prince."

"A prior engagement?" Grimmel queried curiously as he raised a brow.

"Why yes, Sir Hiccup and I will be traveling to my fief after this soiree," Astrid boasted. All those present could infer what they wanted from her statement. A man and a woman going away together during the height of the social season... If rumors of romantic entanglements spread it would just be a boon for her. It would certainly deter any of the would be suitors she had been accosted with through piles and piles of letters in the last week alone.

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