Part 19

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Chapter 18

Grimmel marched with determination through the hallway of the palace. His strides even and his face sported a scowl. He had received news that his grandmother had entered the capital two days ago which only caused him to wonder why she would even return. After the death of her husband and after his father took the throne she retired to her countryside estate without much fuss.

It had been a relief to Grimmel that the old lady had gone but her return sparked his paranoia. Especially after Krogan had sent word that Drago was trying to visit the Dowager Regent. At least the bad blood between those two would probably deter any civil conversation from happening. 'It wasn't yet time to get rid of Drago,' Grimmel resolutely pondered. He had his plans for his ascension to the throne while getting rid of the thorns in his side simultaneously.

The conversation a few days ago had prompted him to keep a closer watch over Drago.

"THAT INCOMPETENT FOOL!" Prince Grimmel shouted in his study as he banged his fists on his oak desk. A report was crumbled in his right hand and the poor official kept his head down and tried to stop his trembling.

"You're excused," Drago uttered, ever so calm as he stood up straight and faced the prince's ire. The young official hastened out of the room with only the thought of his safety.

"I cannot believe that this woman is so shrewd." Grimmel muttered.

"I kept telling you this before my Prince, she is like her mother." Drago stated. "Your plan on getting the Hofferson diamond mine had flaws. Serious flaws," The advisor then continued. "And she is as bold as people claim, knowing that any change in a dowry has to be recorded as public record available to the suitors."

"She's basically telling us that our actions are insignificant in her eyes." Grimmel grumbled as he pointedly narrowed his eyes at Drago. "I would have had my hands on that mine seven years ago if you hadn't interfered." The Prince's open palm slammed on the oaken desk in a fit of frustration.

"The late Marchioness Hofferson had a will in place. There was nothing we could do," Drago stated as he met the glare head on. But the Prince only gave the advisor a hollow laugh.

"Nothing you could do?" Grimmel was looking at the other with a smirk on his face. His lips conveyed mirth yet his eyes had a hollow look to it. "Right... there was definitely nothing you could do," He said with a sarcastic inflection to his voice while addressing his father's most trusted advisor and his late grandfather's confidant. 'Nothing he could do,' what a lark.

"Either way, I must now think of a new plan to fill this Kingdom's coffers." Grimmel sighed as he rubbed in between his brows with his fingers.

"Perhaps if you lay off the opium," Drago muttered under his breath.

"What was that?" The prince asked.

"Nothing, my Prince. May I be excused now? I have to prepare the documents for the next General assembly." Drago stated. Grimmel spared him no other glance and just waved his hand for the man to go away.

Once Drago was out of the office Grimmel called "Krogan!". The rogue in question appeared on the nearby balcony from the tree branch he had been sitting on.

"Yes, your Highness?"

"That man is steadily getting on my nerves," Grimmel stated as he tapped his finger on one of the papers strewn on his desk. "He's playing with me and I don't like it,"

"But he hasn't done anything suspicious," Krogan uttered, looking quite confused. The rogue might not like Drago, mainly because the man had never accepted him as part of the Prince's security detail, but so far none of the advisor's actions had raised alarm bells.

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