Part 34

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Chapter 33

"Marchioness," William greeted once Astrid alighted from the carriage that was now parked in front of Hofferson Hall. The older man gave a respectful bow as her Head butler before seeping to the side to let the lady enter. Atali was getting the two suitcases from the coachman and followed along.

It was a cold night and Astrid breathed a sigh of relief once she walked into the warmth of her home. She took off her beige traveling cloak which Atali took and along with their luggage brought to her rooms. "I received your missive on my journey back," Astrid spoke while turning to William. "Was it truly an accident?" She asked while keeping her composure but the old butler noted a tremble in her hand as she fisted her skirt.

"It was," William stated. "Young Miss Rose and Master Edwin were having a quarrel on the staircase. It seemed to have happened in the heat of the moment. The Lady has since confined herself to her rooms and refuses to speak to anyone," The pair continued walking to the second floor as the butler filled Astrid in on the happenings of the mansion while she was away. "Sir Samuel and Lady Esmeralda have also returned from their retreat yesterday, Miss," He informed her. "They were beside themselves by what had happened and got into a row in front of Master Edwin's chambers."

"Just great," Astrid sighed. She held little love for her father and stepmother and their quarreling would just give her a migraine.

"Also...." Here William hesitated. "They brought with them a guest. She is currently residing in the West Wing of the manor,"

"She?" Astrid frowned. Weren't her parents simply going to their summer villa to relax? Or was this another elaborate ploy?

"The Lady of the Lavalout Viscounty and her entourage, Miss," Astrid stopped in her tracks when she heard that.

"Didn't I already void that engagement?!" Astrid hissed.

"You did, but Master Samuel wished his son to make acquaintance with the young Lady. In fact he was very insistent," William uttered. "May I speak plainly miss?"

"You may," Astrid said. William had been around these people much longer than her. His judgement was fairly sound on people's characters.

"It seems your father is dead set on creating a relationship between young Master Edwin and the Lady from Lavalout. I urge you to intervene Miss. Lady Gretchen and Master Edwin's personalities would clash like water and oil," he uttered.

"Don't worry. I was already planning to," Astrid stated as they continued walking down the brightly lit hallway to her rooms. She had after all made a promise to Edwin. "What is your assessment of this Lady's character?"

"The Lady seems brash but opportunistic." William confessed. "The servants she brought with her rush to fulfill her every need though it didn't seem to be out of love or admiration for their master. More like fear,"

"Then it's best we cut her visit short," Astrid announced. "Tell her that I will meet with her after breakfast,"

"Will you be wanting that delivered to your office again, Miss?" William asked.

"You don't approve?" Astrid raised a brow. "I would rather eat in my office in peace than have to deal with my stepmother's hateful stares and my father's indifferent attitude at the table. It does wonders for my appetite," She smirked.

Afterwards William bid his mistress goodnight. Astrid paid a visit to Edwin's bedchamber to check up on him. He was sleeping soundly while his head was still bandaged. Next she checked on Rosalinda though her door stayed locked. When Astrid finally did make it to her rooms Atali had arranged for a hot bath to be waiting for her.

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