Part 24

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Chapter 23

"Unhand me at once you ruffian!" Rosalinda screeched just before Ruffnut used her hand to gag her.

"Wow, complimenting you already," Tuffnut joked as he climbed off the carriage. They had hidden it in one of the derelict warehouses in a less reputable part of the city near the port. It would take the Knights several days to track it down, meaning that they were now free to make their escape.

"Shut up and help me already," Ruffnut muttered before turning to the struggling Rosalinda in her grip. "Now listen here. You don't scream or run. This isn't the part of town a woman should be alone in, do you understand?" She asked. Rosalinda nodded, still being gagged.

"You will help me drag this guy..." Here Ruffnut motioned towards the still body she had thrown in the coach "...until we reach our associates. After that we will take you back home. Is that clear?" She asked and again Rosalinda nodded.

"Tuff, keep your hand on the hilt of that sword. I'd rather not be in this part of the city for longer than I need to be," Ruffnut told her brother as she let Rose go. Meekly, as to not annoy the twins, Rose helped carry the unconscious, smelly man out of the derelict warehouse.

"Ugh what is this place," Rose threw her nose up when they stepped outside. The street they ended up on was filthy. It was a dirt road instead of the cobblestones she was used to in the Noble quarter and shopping districts. Vagabonds lay sleeping huddled against buildings and it smelled as if the sewer had vomited on them.

"Why Milady, don't you recognize your own kingdom?" Ruffnut uttered as they passed several people. Many eyeing the luxurious clothing Rosalinda had on. But since Ruff and Tuff were dressed as knights no one approached.

Rose shot Ruffnut a nasty look but the blonde was unperturbed. "It isn't all pretty roses and tea parties," Ruffnut told her before discreetly gesturing to the area they were passing through. They grunted slightly by the weight of the body they were dragging but they made good time. "This is what happens when the Royal family increases taxes to an amount the commoners can't afford. Sure there are several Noble families that distribute food but that doesn't really solve all this now does it."

"I..." Rosalinda's response was cut short by four men blocking their way.

"Well well what do we have here?" The man standing in front of the group uttered. "If it isn't a fine looking lady and her escort,"

"And this was what I wanted to avoid," Ruffnut groaned.

"Strip!" One of the would-be thieves shouted at Rose as he was eyeing her expensive clothing.

"Tuffnut do your thing!" Ruffnut announced and with a war cry Tuffnut leapt forward, sword raised, chicken dropped. The thieves were caught off guard by this action as they had expected the richly dressed woman to cower. Her knights, preoccupied with defending her.

"WRING THEIR NECKS BRO!" Ruffnut shouted as she gleefully said words of encouragement to her brother. Normally that would be seen as weird when the twins were involved but her brother was doing a pretty damn good job of beating up the criminals.

Rosalinda blushed as she took in Tuffnut's prowess with a blade. She also quickly hid that blush from Ruffnut.

"All done sis!" Tuffnut proclaimed casually as he sheeted his weapon.

The fight had sent any other would-be criminal scrambling for the hills so the rest of the journey was rather uneventful.

They soon reached a more busy part of the city and Tuffnut knocked on the backdoor of what appeared to be a shop.

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