Part 25

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Chapter 24

It was the third day when Lady Hofferson and her entourage managed to make it to the fiefdom. They had done so in record time yet there was a sense of unease around the convoy. Mainly because Lady Hofferson and Sir Haddock had gotten into.... Something. The knights didn't know precisely what it was but after the second night the Lady and her guest had been.... Tip-toeing around each other so to speak. Lady Hofferson had been somewhat frosty to Sir Haddock once they set about their journey again and the tension was felt by everyone else.

The escort knights knew precisely what their mistress was capable of for she had trained with them from a young age, forgoing some of the more... 'womanly' hobbies Noble ladies tended to have. Everyone in the convoy was happy that Lady Hofferson had left her favorite axe at the training grounds back home yet they still felt like they were walking on pins and needles around her. Whatever that rogue of a man had told her.... Well.... This mood was entirely his fault in their eyes.

The third day's journey only lasted five hours as they came to the borders of the Hofferson fief. The roads had seemed clear and they would have been able to make it to the first village within the hour if not for the barricade up ahead.

"Your Ladyship. Please stay in the carriage," The knight Captain asked of his mistress as he and his horse rode forward as they neared the barricade. Astrid had been peering out the window of the carriage slightly. She noted that there were at least three men with weapons blocking their path. The knights all had their hands on their swordsheets as they formed a defense around the convoy. No one knew if more were laying in wait for them afterall.

"Clear the way!" Astrid could hear her knight command. She couldn't hear what was being said in return though as the men blocking them were out of earshot. But the indigent noise the knight commander made as well as the sudden increase of tension....

"How dare you demand a travel tax!"

"You scoundrels! Keep your filthy eyes off her Ladyship!" Was shouted which was followed along by shouts of discontent from the other nearby knights. Astrid now had a fair guess of what had been said. She knocked on the carriage window to get the attention of one of the knights protecting that side. Once she had it she ordered "There is no need for pleasantries with these brigands. Deal with them but leave at least one alive. I want to question him,"

The knight saluted before he went to relay the order to his Captain.

"Was that wise miss?" Atali questioned with a frown.

"Judging by their responses they were never going to listen to reason anyways. By making the first move we catch them by surprise."Astrid answered while pointedly not looking in Hiccup's direction as he sat next to Atali this time.

The clang of swords could be heard but Astrid wasn't too worried. The Hofferson Knight Order was one of the best in the Capital. It would take more than just some brigands to beat them.

"Oh my Thor I can't stand this!" Miss Atali uttered as she looked from Astrid to Hiccup and back again. "Just what happened yesterday?"

"It's best not discussed," Astrid muttered.

"I think we do need to discuss this," Hiccup said however.

"I will not have Atali subjected to your delusions Sir Hiccup," Astrid warned.

"They are not delusions, damn it," Hiccup stressed. "Everything I told you last night was the truth."

"And I should take your word for it without any proof?" Astrid questioned. "Quite frankly you sounded like a madman,"

"I can prove it to you! But not here......" He said, though he added the last part while rubbing the back of his head nervously.

"I would have accepted the information you knew about my grandmother with ease but the rest.... The rest just seems so farfetched." Astrid crossed her arms. "Honestly... flying fire-breathing reptiles?!"

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