Part 7

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Chapter 6

"HOW DARE HE?!" Griselda screeched while she threw a probably expensive porcelain vase against the ornate and gilded wall of her bedroom. The maid attending to her tonight flinched at the loud crash but dared not to open her mouth.

"He says I should go cool off when he's making goo-goo-eyes at that trollop!" Griselda hissed angrily before stomping to her bed. "How dare that brat even think of making a move on the Prince!"

"Miss maybe...." The maid began but Griselda yelled at her.

"Get out!" The lady growled. "You're just sent here by the palace to keep an eye on me. So get out! I don't need you tonight,"

"As you wish miss," The maid curtsied before quickly leaving. Griselda was now alone in her bedroom and she flopped down on the plush bed covers unceremoniously.

"You know frowning like that is bad for you," A voice suddenly said, causing the woman to leap out of bed. The source of said voice was none other than Krogan who was leaning haughtily against the balcony doorway.

"What do you want?!" Griselda hissed.

"My dear Lady Arkas, I only wish to bid you a good night," Krogan said as he bowed low to her in an exaggerated manner. "I heard what happened at the salon."

"Your manners are as deplorable as ever Krogan," Griselda huffed. "How dare you bring that up,"

"My dear, I am a rogue. I am supposed to have deplorable manners. And be charming at the same time," Krogan smirked as he crossed his arms while looking at the lady which caused Griselda to huff.

"Are you here to just rub it in or are you actually offering your services?" Griselda muttered. "If it's the former I will tell you now to go jump off a tower. If it's the latter I may consider it."

"The Lady is as smart as she is radiant. Of course I will offer you my services."

"Why?" Griselda stood close to Krogan now with a frown and a distrustful look in her eyes. "You're Grimmel's loyal dog. What guarantee do I have that you won't report what I ask of you to him?" Griselda's lips were captured in a wild kiss before she could step back after asking that question. Her eyes widened, blushing in the pale moonlight, as she looked at the smug man on her balcony.

"My feelings for you are my guarantee, sweet lady," Krogan announced. "Will you ever forget about the Prince and be mine?"

"I.... I...." She hesitated, biting her lip momentarily in frustration.

The following morning Astrid found herself looking in the mirror once again. She frowned as she turned slightly to check the fawn-colored dress she was wearing. It was a bit more flattering on her figure than the previous green dress but it had nearly fifteen buttons. That alone annoyed her.

"Miss," Atali called as she stepped into the room while holding a sealed envelope. It had neither a wax seal, denoting that the sender was not a noble, nor did it have the recipient's name attached. "My sister Minden sends her reply. I told her about the job opportunity last night." The maid handed over the letter and Astrid sat down briefly to read it.

Dear Lady Hofferson,

I was quite baffled by my sister's enthusiasm last night until I heard that you may wish to employ me. I am not quite sure what to make of it. Us sisters owe your family a debt of gratitude, not only for taking in my little sister but also for your late mother funding my education. Though I am still quite confused as to why you would wish to hire a woman without nary any experience in the field when there are many more accountants who have much more experience.

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