Part 5

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Chapter 4

It was a sunny day today. Yesterday's storm was mostly forgotten as Astrid looked in the mirror and frowned. The dress she had on was... to say the least, rather plain-looking and a godawful shade of green.

"What did you call this color again Atali?" Astrid asked as she turned slightly. Her hair hadn't been done yet so it fell in waves over her back.

"Pale sage green, ma'am," Atali answered professionally. She was the complete opposite of Patricia, which Astrid liked a lot. In the past few years Atali had often voiced her discontent to the other servants at how Astrid had been treated, this got her into some trouble but not enough to get fired. While everyone agreed with her they kept their mouths shut because they feared being replaced. Astrid didn't blame them for that, how could she. They needed to make a living as they each had families that relied on them outside the manor. The staff would work in shifts and only the butler stayed here full time. "Might I just say it's a horrid color for your complexion. It doesn't match your eyes at all."

"That was the point when Esmeralda picked out my wardrobe as I was growing up," Astrid sighed. She hadn't had a chance to go shopping for herself yet. Not with the tea party being the day after she dropped the proverbial bomb on the rest of her family. "This will have to make do for now,"

Atali grimaced but nodded still. "Let me do your hair," She then offered while picking up the brush.

As Astrid sat there while her hair was being done she thought of something. "Atali you have an older sister right? Didn't you say she attended the Academy of Economics?"

"My sister Minden, yes." Atali nodded while picking up a pin. "She graduated two years ago though she has a hard time finding work," The maid relayed. "She is either mocked and ridiculed at the places she applied for or, there was the time when the interviewer chased her out of the establishment." There was a sigh from Atali as Astrid looked startled. She hadn't thought it was that bad. "She's used to it ma'am." Atali said upon seeing Astrid's startled look. "When she first entered the Academy the professors even barred her entrance to the classroom."

"But she graduated, right?!" Astrid then asked.

"That she did," Atali had a proud look on her face now. "She bit one of the professors is what she did. Told him straight up that if they took her money they damn well better let her attend."

Astrid couldn't help it. She doubled over laughing and it took nearly a minute for her to stop. Atali too had a smile on her face but then she said seriously "Minden has been at it for two years now. She's currently working a stall in the market just to make ends meat. Last time I saw her she said she might just find a husband if no one was going to hire her."

"Well, I might be in the market for an assistant," Astrid declared. "There's no way I can let my father keep managing the books once I'm of age. And there is no way he'd let go of his power so easily. It's likely he will try to foist his choice of staff on me so he can monitor me from the shadows."

"Do you think the Master would do such a thing?" Atali asked with a frown.

"Oh, I know he will." Astrid looked in the mirror as her hair was put in a braided bun. "He's been clinging to my mother's fortune even before I was born. The Hofferson mines produce some of this kingdom's most prized gemstones and ores. My mother knew what she was doing when she led those excavation teams. Do you really think that man is going to just give all of this up?"

Atali looked like she wanted to say something. Astrid guessed that the maid didn't want to think badly about her father as the man had hired her when she was but a street urchin. She had been grateful for the job and had worked hard to show her loyalty.

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