Part 6

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Chapter 5

The ladies in the Salon all curtsied while the servants gave a low bow as the Crown prince entered. Astrid's gaze strayed upwards just briefly enough to catch a glimpse of the Prince. He cut an impressive figure that was true but it certainly wasn't to Astrid's taste. First of all, he was her cousin, if you could even call him that. Same grandfather, different grandmother. Second of all he was too much into blood sports. The Crown prince often was a patron to the Colosseum and if the rumors were true then he was also one of the Colosseum's biggest sponsors, sending prisoners their way to fight against vicious animals in his menagerie. It was a greater turn-off for Astrid than the age difference. Sure she liked a good fight, having sparred with the Estate knights before secretly, but the blatant disregard for human and animal life wasn't her cup of tea.

"You may rise," The Prince said and Astrid quickly changed her curtsy pose to that of a woman that stood straight and exuded an air of indifference. It wouldn't do to show weakness in front of a man who had the power to exploit it. Rosalinda however didn't catch on and addressed the Prince, while sporting a pitiful gaze, with "Your Highness please seek justice for me!" Astrid mentally smacked her brain at her buffoon of a step-sister. The Prince would never associate himself with such a petty squabble like this. Instead Rosalinda had a good chance to be sent to the Colosseum if she continued.

"Rose-..." Astrid was about to intervene. She hated the girl but not so much to have her sentenced to the Colosseum for annoying the Crown Prince. Offending the Royal Family was a serious affair so she had to choose her words wisely. Though surprisingly, Prince Grimmel didn't look annoyed at all at Rosalinda. In fact he addressed her affectionately as Lady Hofferson, which made Rosalind giddy while Astrid frowned suspiciously. Surely he knew what addressing her as Lady Hofferson meant and the people here would talk. Gossip had a way of taking on a life of its own but she couldn't refute Royalty. For now she'd let it play out.

The Prince then turned to Lady Griselda and asked if she would be willing to let the matter go. That was more surprising as the Crown Prince had never much cared to take a woman's side other than Lady Griselda's. He had always been protective of Lady Griselda so everyone was trying to hold their shock as he defended another. Even the Lady in question looked wide-eyed while Rosalinda had a smug look on her face. Now Astrid wondered if she was really going to be the Crown Princess. Yesterday she had chalked all of Rosalinda's bolstering up as that of an insipid girl trying to make a name for herself, but with Prince Grimmel actually taking her side on this matter over his childhood friend sent warning bells ringing in Astrid's head.

Lady Griselda and Prince Ghastly had been childhood playmates ever since they were five. Everyone knew this. Everyone also knew that Lady Griselda's father had been the eldest Prince but he stepped down to cede the throne to his brother the second Prince, Grimmel's father, because he thought himself to be too soft. Instead the eldest Prince took the role of the Kingdom's Prime Minister and Advisor to the King. Many Nobles had objected but there was no changing his mind. Since the Prince and the Lady were so close many Nobles and politicians thought that they would be engaged to one another until THAT happened. Now while Prince Grimmel still doted on the Lady they were more hesitant to put forward the engagement.

"How can you expect me to let this go?!" Lady Griselda uttered, looking both shocked and aghast. "Did you even hear what she called me?! She.... She.... She...."

"She wasn't wrong was she," Grimmel said indifferently causing the Lady to flinch. Even Astrid was shocked by the cold gaze. "I came here to apologize for the matter this morning but I think you might need to return to your residence Lady Griselda and cool your head."

Astrid didn't know what in Odin's name was going on anymore but the entire situation seemed weird to her. She felt for Lady Griselda, she truly did, to have her childhood friend and possible love interest treat her so coldly while he now offered a ride home in his gilded carriage to Rosalinda. The elegant lady actually knocked over a teapot in rage and stormed out of the Salon, past the Prince that only seemed to have eyes for Rosalinda.

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