Part 2

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Chapter 1

7 years later

After the funeral, Astrid's life took a turn, not for the better it seemed. As she looked out the window at the approaching storm clouds she still remembered the days of the past vividly. Not because she wanted to but because she was plotting. As a child she could do nothing about it but she wasn't a fool like her step-sister made her out to be to others. In the 7 years that had passed her life had turned somewhat miserable. There were some things that she observed after growing up. Clear favoritism but her mother's advice still rang sound. "Bide your time Astrid. Good things come to those who wait, though taking action isn't out of the question either." So she waited, watched and calculated. Her mother didn't keep her position as Marchioness secured for so long in the Patriarchal society they lived in without being shrewd.

There was a knock on the door and then it opened a bit to reveal a shock of black hair peeking in. "Edwin," Astrid greeted as she ushered him in. In the distance the rumble of the storm could be heard. If Astrid had to pick a favorite out of her whole family then she'd definitely pick Edwin. Unlike Esmeralda and Rosalinda's dark red hair, Edwin sported black hair much like the father they shared. His personality was also a lot more amicable than the others in the house. Though he still was cautious around Astrid it wasn't for the fact that he distrusted her. No, that was another matter entirely.

"What brings you here?" Astrid asked as he took a seat while she stoked the fire. The room Astrid now lived in was bare safe for the necessities of keeping up an appearance. She had a canopy bed, a dresser, and a somewhat decent wardrobe.

"You're going with my sister to Lady Heather's tea party tomorrow right?" Edwin asked a bit nervously. Astrid just sighed and muttered "What is Rosalinda planning now?"

Edwin looked nervous for a moment, wringing his fingers like he habitually did when telling Astrid these things. "She's planning on 'loaning' you her pearl necklace," Edwin confessed. "I overheard her and mother talking."

"So it's that old trick again isn't it," Astrid sighed as she sat down. "Your sister sure is predictable. She did the same thing on my 12th birthday." Three years ago Astrid still had hope that she and Rosalinda could get along. When she was loaned some jewelry for her 12th birthday party she had been ecstatic. While her father had agreed to host the party for appearance's sake, as it wouldn't do for a Noble's daughter not to have one, it came swiftly to an end when Rosalinda had called her a thief in front of so many people, accusing her of stealing the earrings father had gifted her from his last business trip. Her father had been mad but her step-mother had been livid. Accusing her of thievery and then locking her in the attic for a week with only minimal food. It was then that she got to know Edwin better as well. He would sneak her extra food but he got caught by Esmeralda's personal maid on the third day. He never told her what his mother did to him when she found out and out of courtesy Astrid never asked.

"Maybe..... Maybe... sis doesn't have an alternative motive this time," Edwin feebly announced but even Astrid could see that he was quite unsure.

"Ed.... Can I ask you something?"

Edwin nodded as he looked at Astrid with those innocent brown eyes of his. Astrid just knew he would be a heartbreaker in a couple of years.

"In a week... if you had to choose between me and Rosalinda who would you choose?" She asked him with all seriousness.

"I.... I....." Edwin was at a loss of words. The 15 year old wrung his hands together more and more due to nerves. The boy had his own set of problems.

"Edwin, in a week things will turn around. I promise you that."

"A week?" Edwin muttered and then he realized "Oh your birthday!"

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