Part 41

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Chapter 40

Two days after Astrid had confronted her father, Rosalinda and she along with Atali were traveling through the busy streets of the city.

"So where exactly are we going?" Rosalinda asked with a frown.

"We need accessories," Astrid declared. "It's only a week until the Founding day festivities and I am loathe to be caught wearing the same accessories twice to such an important event,"

"My Lady, we're here," Atali said. "I can hear their barbaric screams already."

"Their what?" Rosalinda frowned briefly before she too heard the shouting. The carriage stopped and the ladies descended with the help of the driver. They walked a short bit to see two men shouting insults at each other from one end of the street to the other.

"Your Basquine feel like cheap wool!" Ryker shouted while waving what looked to be a brown leather shoe at his brother who was looking rather puce while standing in his shop's doorway across the street.

"May your Bouillonné be unruffled!" Viggo shot back.

"How dare you, you uncultured swine!" Ryker looked aghast. "May your Epaulettes be devoid of tassels!"

"Well, it looks like they are at it again," Astrid sighed

"Again?" Rosalina asked as she watched the pedestrians ignore the bickering brothers as if it was a common occurrence, which it very likely was given Astrid's easy acceptance.

"Ah shut it you avantgarde maniac!" Viggo yelled. "Your Redingote is as unimaginable as your Small clothes!"

"Gentleman, if you please cease and desist with this yelling. " Astrid got between them and yelled. "I have a proposition for the both of you,"

"A proposition?" Ryker questioned.

"Yes, a very lucrative one," She stated.

"Keep talking Miss," Viggo muttered as he shot a glare at his brother.

"Perhaps we could speak in a less... public space?" Astrid asked.

"You may speak in my shop," Ryker proclaimed.

"No you may speak in mine!" Viggo uttered next. "Brother you can't even make good tea. Leaf water is all yours is!"

"How dare you?!' Ryker exclaimed. "Your pastries taste like ash!"

Astrid groaned as the bickering began once more. "Gentleman! Pick a store! I give nary a mind to which one. This proposition requires both of you," The two merchants were quiet for a moment and then Ryker crossed the street and shoved past his brother.

"My Lady, is this not too suspicious? Especially given...." Atali whispered as she followed Astrid into the shop along with Rose.

"Not at all," Astrid laughed. "No man would find it suspicious for a pair of Noble ladies and their maid to enter a boutique, especially with the two-week-long festivities planned soon."

"I hate to agree but that is true," Rose spoke up. "All the seamstresses are overbooked and many of the artisans are working to fulfill purchase orders from aristocratic families."

"I just worry," Atali muttered.

"Then what we are here for shall put your mind at ease," Astrid replied. "We are not executing the plan empty-handed."

"Now perhaps we can get down to business," Astrid stated after the group was led into a private section of the boutique that was usually reserved for VIP guests. She and Rose sat down while Atali kept watch near the door in case any errant staff decided to eavesdrop.

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