Part 36

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Chapter 35

"Your Ladyship," William interrupted after knocking on the doors of the Master bedroom. "The first of your guests have arrived." He stated as Atali was just placing the finishing touches on Astrid's hair. It had been pulled into a bun with a braid going around it. White pearls adorned her hair which would be a stark contrast to her tea party dress. Astrid had opted for a darker color. A dark blue dress that sported a passementerie braid at the back. She finished the look with a pearl necklace and drop earrings.

"Shall we go greet our guests?" Astrid asked as she stood up. Atali was quite enthused and whispered to Astrid "Will your paramour be joining us miss?"

"Unfortunately there are other plans in motion that Sir Hiccup needs to see to. Though he has promised to take me on a romantic date as soon as he gets back." Astrid commented before turning to William. "Is what we discussed yesterday dealt with?"

"Yes Madam," William announced. "Once the Ambassadors' carriage has parked I will personally escort the individual her Ladyship mentioned. Our knights have already secured a room and are standing by to receive our guest."

"Wonderful to hear," Astrid said as she walked through the hallway towards the marble staircase that led to the foyer. "What of Mister Eret?" Astrid frowned. Over the past two days Astrid had spoken to the man briefly. She had informed him that he is more than welcome to travel to any place within the Kingdom. She would finance the cost as well as help him settle in to his new life any way she could. The man hadn't made up his mind yet as he was still rather anxious at Lady O'fair's residence within these walls.

"I have spoken to Mister Eret a few times," William confessed. "He seems rather indecisive as to his future but who can blame him after spending so much time under the thumb of that wench,"

"You're normally not one to call people names William. Especially Ladies." Astrid stopped when she said this and stared at her butler. Atali too was surprised as she had never heard the Head butler call someone, least of all a Noble, a wench before.

"Forgive my impudence but the moniker is well deserved." Willian stated. "She had on more than one occasion poured hot tea over Mister Eret's back when he disappointed her." Astrid's eyes narrowed and she growled dangerously low upon hearing that.

"Utterly barbaric," Astrid growled before she schooled her features as she descended the stairs. "Lord Deranged, Lady Deranged and Lady Mala. I'm so happy you could make it on such short notice."

"Marchioness Hofferson," Dagur said, looking dapper as ever in his black tuxedo that sported a silver vest, as he kissed the back of her hand. "Trust me, I would rather be here amongst friends than be at a social gathering where I would be stalked by daughters of Nobles ceaselessly."

"Oh come off it brother dearest," Lady Heather rolled her eyes. "You cannot make that excuse anymore after you've already proposed." She then gave Astrid a hug "Good to see you as well Lady Astrid," Heather wasn't often this affectionate so when the hug came Astrid was surprised. She was even more surprised when Heather whispered into her ear quickly that they would need to talk privately.

"Thank you for inviting us Marchioness," Lady Mala responded.

"Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials," Astrid told her sincerely as Mala tried to hide the faint blush.

"It hasn't been formally announced yet," Lady Mala uttered as she quickly smoothed out her light green silk skirt that she had accidentally fisted in nervousness. "You're the first one we've told." Astrid felt honored to hear that.

"Announcing Sir and Lady Thornston of Berk and Lady Camicazi," A knight at the door proclaimed. The twins and Cami greeted everyone. No one noticed but Ruffnut winked in Astrid's direction that the plan was to go forward. Out of the corner of her eye she saw William slip away.

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