Part 42

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Chapter 41

Rosalinda was huddled against Astrid as the carriage came to a stop. They really did end up in White Castle Forest. Astrid could see the ruins of the once great castle from the carriage as crude voices crowded around the vehicle.

"Ah!" Rose shrieked when the carriage was kicked several times jostling them.

"Come out, come out little mice," Someone cajoled from outside while others, clearly men, laughed.

"We can't," Astrid called out.

"Why are you replying?!" Rose hissed as her grip on Astrid's uninjured arm tightened.

"Well, I don't think they were expecting a reply," Astrid muttered. "The element of surprise is always a good idea."

More laughter came from the outside and the man that had spoken previously peered into the carriage through the broken window and gave the ladies a crooked grin. "And why not my pretties?" He then asked as Astrid could see a lecherous grin on his face.

"Because the door is locked from the outside," She deadpanned. This time the laughter was aimed more at the man but a glare from that guy shut them up. 'Definitely the boss or someone high up,' Astrid concluded.

When the door was finally wrenched open both Astrid and Rosalinda were dragged out by several leering men and tied up with ropes. Rose cringed and shied away as one of the men caressed her shoulder. "She'll fetch us a pretty penny boss," The guy uttered much to Astrid's disgust.

"Not the redhead you moron," The gruff man said as he smacked the other on the back of his head. "It's the blond we want,"

"But boss!"

"Just get them inside. The client is waiting," The gruff man stated. Astrid who was shoved towards the ruins along with a now sobbing Rose managed to conclude a few things. These guys were just hired thugs and the real mastermind was probably a fruitcake. Who goes around kidnapping an entire carriage?

She grimaced as she was so rudely shoved along. The looming walls of the castle ruins bearing their shadow ominously over her head. It was an oddly fitting setting for a hostage situation. The blood spilled here had still not been forgotten amongst the aristocracy.

Centuries ago the White Castle had been built as a gift to the new Queen. The Queen was young and enamored with her husband who was 20 years older than her. She was also the man's fifth wife. She received the castle when she bore the King a son. The other four wives had become envious as they had only given birth to daughters. But once the baby was born the King stopped visiting the beautiful Queen. This made the Queen sad and she realized that the castle was just compensation. She was expected to live her life out quietly in a gilded cage.

After a week her baby had been taken by the nannies to another palace. The Queen begged and pleaded to see her child but she had little power and the other wives loved to lord that over her. Slowly the woman went mad as the years passed.

Over two decades later she was able to see her child, the Prince looked so much like his father, and with her mentality as fragile as it was; she mistook the boy for her husband and kidnapped him at knifepoint. She dragged the Prince back to her castle to keep him locked up forever. When the King heard of this he rushed over with his knights, angered at his wife's actions he feared for his son's life. The Queen hadn't hurt the young man but she couldn't distinguish past from present and kept mumbling incoherent sweet-nothings until she saw the aging countenance of the King before her. It was only when her husband shouted and pleaded for her to release their son had she realized whom she had in her grasp. Her hand, still clutching the dagger trembled until all her fury of the years past focussed on one target. Here was the man that had courted her, loved her, and had taken the eternal vows to stay by her side only to toss her aside once she gave him what he wanted. The King took a step back as the Queen unleashed years of pent-up frustration at her husband all while the young Prince watched in horror.

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