○ Silence ○

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Warnings: angst, depression, depressive thoughts, self harm mentions

Do not feel bad if you need to skip this chapter due to s/h, take care of yourself 💖


Sam sighed, resting his head on his arms, which he had folded onto the desk before him. The warden had made it to the prison around twelve in the morning, not wanting to stay in his house any longer than needed, all it did was remind him of the past and the things that happened. Sam stared longingly ahead of him, his gaze resting on the entrance portal to the prison. The man sighed, his thoughts wandering to what he lost, what he loved, and what he craved, Ponk. It was just a few days ago, the shorter platinum blonde had stormed out of their shared house after berating Sam for many, many things, including the death of his beloved TommyInnit, the boy he considered a son. That there had broke Sam, but losing Ponk broke him even more. And what was more? Ponk seemed to move on almost instantly, always hanging around Foolish and practically flirting with him all the time. From that moment on, Sam had pretty much become a recluse, only leaving the house to go to the prison, working long, long hours to stay away from his house, and when he wasn't at the prison, he was locked in the bathroom doing who knows what. The poor man couldn't get a break, ever since visitations were allowed again, people seemed to arrive to talk with Dream every minute, always coming back, never leaving. It was the same protocols every day, over, and over, and over again, it was slowly driving Sam mad, though he didn't realize. The warden lifted his head from the desk, stiffening as he saw a familiar face adorned in a red, black, and yellow mask enter through the portal. It was Ponk. Ponk approached him slowly, stopping a few feet away from the desk, "We need to talk. Now." His tone wasn't exactly demanding, but it wasn't calm either. Sam just continued to stare at him, unsure if this was some sick twisted joke his mind was playing on him. Ponk took a few steps forward, grabbing Sam by his wrist, making the taller recoil with a hiss. Ponk raised an eyebrow, "What? Am I poisonous now or something?" Sam shook his head, slightly cradling his wrist. Ponk sighed, gently taking Sam's other hand and semi-dragging from the prison and to the house they once shared. The duo sat on the bed, Sam with his head hanging low and Ponk gazing at him, hints of worry in his expression. "I-" the shorter cut off for a moment, gathering his thoughts, "I'm sorry for the things I said.... I shouldn't have been so harsh with you... I didn't know it would turn you into... this..." Sam just glanced at Ponk momentarily before cradling his wrist once more. Ponk noticed this and gently took Sam's wrist in his hand, pulling up his sleeve, making the taller squirm uncomfortably. Ponk gasped, tears forming in his eyes as he looked up at Sam, Sam returned his look with one of deep sadness. Ponk enveloped Sam in a hug, "I'm so sorry, I'm so, so, so sorry for what I did, I was wrong to do that to you... I didn't know this would happen..." Sam returned the hug, burying his face in the crook of Ponk's neck, unable to speak. The two stayed like that for some time before Sam pulled away, "I'm sorry... for everything I did to cause you to explode... you don't have to come back or stay if it doesn't make you happy... don't let my despair trap you in a situation that doesn't make you happy..." Ponk smiled, "Sam... I'm glad you understand that, but you're not the one who should apologize. I'm the one who blew up on you and left without letting you get a word in, I'm the one who lead you to do this..." the shorter referred to Sam's wrists, which were covered by his sleeves once more. "I don't even remember doing it to be honest." Sam said, looking down. Ponk sighed, lifting Sam's chin with his hand, "That doesn't matter, it's the fact that you did it that hurts. I'm the cause of it. I'm so sorry for leaving like I did, it was just too much for me..." Sam shook his head, "Just go.... if you're unhappy I don't want you here to suffer, I would rather see you happy." And with that, Sam gently pushed Ponk away and stood up, "I need to go take care of this now..." he nodded to his wrists before heading into the bathroom and shutting the door, leaving Ponk alone. Ponk hesitated for a few moments before standing and walking over to the bathroom door, knocking on it gently, "Sam...? Please, let me help." A small commotion could he heard inside the bathroom, "No... I'm- I'm fine." Sam replied, his voice was shaky. Ponk opened the door anyways, finding Sam sitting on the lid of the toilet, holding his wrist which was bloody and bubbling from Peroxide and stifling his tears, which wasn't working. Ponk rushed over to Sam and gently took his wrist in his hands and taking away the Peroxide, "Oh my gosh, this is awful, you're losing so much blood!" Sam just groaned, trying to pull away from Ponk, who held onto him a bit tighter, "Stop moving, you'll make it worse. Let me help, please." Sam whined, giving up on pulling his arm away and letting Ponk clean his wounds.

"This might sting a little..." Ponk said softly, gently dabbing Sam's wrist with a cotton ball that was soaked with Peroxide. Sam flinched, letting out a whimper, it was painful for him, it was painful for him that Ponk was taking care of him and his mess ups. Ponk finished disinfecting Sam's wrists before carefully bandaging his wounds and placing a gentle kiss on them, "There, all better now." Sam smiled weakly, being unable to stand by himself. "Here, let's get you to bed," Ponk said, helping Sam stand and walk out of the bathroom and to the bed, where Ponk laid him down and sat on the bed next to him, playing with his hair. "You're going to need to take it easy, you lost a lot of blood, you could have died... I'm so scared of that happening, please take care of yourself for me..." Sam nodded slowly, looking at Ponk, who smiled softly before standing, "I'll be back later, get some sleep." Sam whined, weakly reaching a hand out towards Ponk, "Please... Stay..." Ponk shook his head, "I can't... I promised Foolish I'd come and help him today with some work, I'll be back later..." Sam's expression turned to one of great sadness and he just rolled onto his other side, facing away from Ponk and sighing. "I'm sorry..." Those were the last words he heard from Ponk before he left. Sam was now alone again.


I was not in a good mind space when I wrote this, I'll probably write a part two since the ending didn't wrap anything up nicely and I guess I like this story so far, it lets me develop writing skills and I haven't written anything like this before. Don't feel bad if you had to skip this story due to the s/h, you didn't miss much but sadness ngl.
Have a great day/night, I'm always here if you need to talk 💖

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