《 Strength 》

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Warnings: minor violence, fluff, slight NSFW

> werewolf AU baybeeeee <

Disclaimer: this is just me experimenting with stuff, there is NO NSFW at all, this is different from other werewolf AUs yet similar to some.


"Hun...? Hun, 're you awake...?" A soft voice calls, bringing Ponk out of his deep sleep, "Hrruh?" He groans, sitting up slightly, "Hun, it's time to get up, you don't want to be late for work, do you?" Ponk huffed, sitting up fully and sliding out of bed and into his lover's arms, "Thanks for waking me up, babe." Ponk mumbled, smiling. Sam gently pulled away from the hug after a while, intertwining his fingers with Ponk's and bringing him out to the kitchen for breakfast. The pair sped through their daily routine like every morning and were preparing to head out the door, "Ponk, if you have any trouble with anyone, please let me know." Sam said sweetly, nuzzling Ponk gently, Ponk giggled, nodding. The smaller knew that Sam's wolf was protective, sometimes a little too overprotective, but he didn't mind. Being an omega with a job was tough, most customers gave you back talk and all sorts of problems just because of what you are, but Ponk learned to ignore it, he didn't score the role of assistant manager by being meek or a pushover. The two parted ways at a street corner a few blocks from their house, heading to their separate jobs, which were a part of their separate lives. You see, Sam and Ponk weren't actually mates, they just fell head over paws for one another and ended up moving in together and becoming a couple. They were content with what they had, so they never considered making their relationship "official" as some may say.

After a rough day at work, Ponk was feeling a little lightheaded and uneasy as he traversed the vast city streets, his boots hitting the cement beneath them with a dull thud each time he took a step. When he was about to reach the corner where he met up with Sam, Ponk was roughly shoved up against a building wall by two much larger males, who reeked of excitement, if you know what I mean. They were obviously alphas, Ponk couldn't only tell by smell, but by stature, they were both heavily built men, but younger men at that. "Well, wha d'we got here?" One of them asked, inhaling Ponk's scent as he spoke. "Looks like an unmarked omega, would be a shame if he was left unclaimed like that... and I can tell he hasn't even met his mate yet, would be good fun back home." The other snickered, caressing Ponk's face with a rough hand while the other brought his hand down to the smaller's groin, rubbing it. Ponk squirmed in fear, trying to figure out how to escape. He was definitely less physically able than the two that held him down, and any bystanders weren't going to step in. The small omega suddenly let out a growl, pushing the two men off and away from him as hard as he could, causing them to stumble backwards and one of them to trip. After freezing for what felt like hours, Ponk bolted off towards the street corner where he was meant to meet up with Sam. The short male hoped and prayed that Sam would be there, fear coming off of him in waves as he ran. As he reached the street corner he paused, his eyes scanning frantically for that familiar green tuft of hair, his nose searching for that familiar pine and nightpanther scent, but alas, Sam wasn't there. Ponk was left on his own. He heard the pounding foot steps of the alphas behind him, which made him freeze up before loking around for an escape route, but before he could make a move, he was tackled to the ground by one of the males, "You little twat! You thought you could get away easily, didn't you~?" The male stood up, yanking Ponk to his feet and roughly grabbing his shoulders, the other male approached, tugging on Ponk's shirt collar to reveal more of his neck. The poor omega tried to escape again, but to no avail, the two alphas were prepared for this, but they weren't prepared for what Ponk did next when he recognized a familiar scent. The smaller swiftly kicked the alpha behind him in the groin, sending him to the ground, he then bit the hand of the other one who held him before he sprang away, searching for where the scent came from. The one alpha Ponk had bitten was already coming after him again, causing Ponk to run once more. Looking back to see the alpha pursuing him, Ponk ran right into someone, as he picked himself up off the ground a big sense of relief flooded through his body as he saw Sam looking at him, worried. "Ponkie, what happen-" Sam cut off as Ponk was yanked away from him by the other male, the first alpha coming up behind the other, slightly limping, "Sorry if this little shit caused you any trouble sir, we were jus-" the alpha was cut off by a hard punch from Sam, the larger male had seen the fear flood into Ponk's eyes and had connected the dots. He now knew why Ponk was previously scared, he now knew why Ponk was out of breath and shaken up, he now knew who he had to beat to death. Ponk leaped away from the scene as the other male jumped in to help his friend, but quickly getting knocked out by a savage uppercut from the now fuming Sam, whose teeth were gritted in a determined scowl of rage. Ponk watched on in shocked wonder as Sam beat the living shit out of the two who had harassed him and had wanted to do who knows what with him. After both of the males were beat to a pulp, Sam roughly, yet somehow gently, grabbed Ponk's hand, pulling him close and using his nose to move Ponk's shirt collar. The larger male gently nipped the base of the smaller's neck, marking him then and there, no discussion or discomfort to be found. After a brief moment of shock, Ponk tightly hugged Sam, inhaling his scent and basking in the safety he felt, he loved this man and was oh so glad he was with him. After a while, the two pulled apart, and Sam gently took Ponk's hand in his own and they walked home, leaving bystanders to call for an ambulance for the two broken and bloodied alphas Sam had unleashed his fury on.

When the duo got back home, Sam locked the door behind him and tackled Ponk in a hug, "Oh my gosh that was so scary, are you ok? Are you hurt anywhere? Scratched? Bit? Did they hurt you?" The last question came out partially as a threat, but Ponk shrugged it off, shaking his head, "I-I'm just a bit shook up..." The tone of the omega's voice made Sam realize something, this wasn't his normal Ponk, his instincts had taken over, causing him to act on his omega feelings, not his normal ones. Sam hugged Ponk tighter, "You're safe now, I'm here. You're mine, only mine, I will not let anyone lay a hand on you." As he continued to speak, Sam moved closer to Ponk's ear, bringing his voice down to a soft whisper. Ponk shivered, his lover's breath on his neck bringing forth a new and foreign feeling. The smaller looked to his alpha, slightly pulling out of the hug to do so, he then moved forward, placing a gentle kiss on the base of Sam's neck before nipping it softly, marking him as he had been marked earlier. "I love you." Ponk whispered, pulling Sam as close as possible. Sam sighed in content, no longer rigid with worry, "I love you too." After a few more moments, Sam lifted Ponk off of his feet and carried him to the couch where the two snuggled up together, falling asleep.

After a few hours, they both awoke, exchanging soft words and sweet phrases before Ponk brought something up, "We're not even supposed to be mates..." he sighed, a slight whine in his voice. "What do you mean?" Sam asked, "I mean that we both haven't found our mates yet... and we marked each other... I would never change this for the world, but still... we automatically have to reject our true mates..." the taller sighed, "We'll cross that bridge when we get there, love." The two fell into a comfortable silence, content with the intimacy they shared. Sam pulled Ponk into his lap, resting his head atop the smaller's, humming softly the tune of An Ode to L'Manburg by Beetlebug. It had been an interesting day, but it was about to become a very relaxed and silent evening.

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