♧ Prisoner ♧

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Warnings: angst, manipulation, mind games, psychological torment, suicidal thoughts?, insanity


Sam walked through the silent halls of the prison, making his way towards Dream's cell. Once the Warden reached the platform across the mini lava lake and lava wall, he heard the sickly sweet voice of the one who was imprisoned behind it. "Hello, Sam. Come to visit me again? Maybe cut off my arm like you did Ponk's?" "Shut up." Sam barked swiftly, "I shouldn't even feed you, I should just let you waste away in that cell, no food, no water, nothing. That's what you deserve, but I take my job seriously, and as the Warden of this prison, it's my job to keep you alive and healthy, no matter what I think." As he was speaking, Sam sent Dream some more food, well, more potatoes. Dream just laughed, "You couldn't kill me even if you were allowed to! You're such a failure you wouldn't even be capable of that. I mean, how capable were you of protecting Tommy?" There was a short silence before the half deranged voice picked up again, "Not capable at all. You let me kill him! You, the Warden, let a visitor get killed! That visitor basically your son. If you can't protect the ones you love, how would you protect yourself?" The room went silent after that, Sam laying his ears back and leaving quietly, he had nothing else to do or say to the man behind the lava wall.

As the creeper hybrid traversed the halls of the massive prison, he heard the mad laughter of the only prisoner there echo throughout it. Sam sighed as he sat down at the front desk, Dream's maniacal laughter no longer able to be heard. He hated this job, he wanted things to go back to how they were before the prison, before Dream approached him about it... back to when times were simpler. The Warden didn't have too much time to sit there as he had to go on one of the routine checkups set up to ensure Dream didn't escape. Why did Sam even bother going back to the front desk if he needed to head back almost immediately? He didn't know. Sam headed back through the gigantic halls, only stopping when he reached the platform near Dream's cell. Dream's deranged voice could be heard drifting across the room, he was singing a song, "Revenge, revenge, revenge~ Some day I'll have my sweet revenge~ Nobody will stop me, they'll all fall before me, the day I have my sweet revenge~ Sam will fall first, and then so will Tommy, bringing an end to that oh so sweet 'family'. When I'm up on top, I'm never going to stop, till everyone is dead, and I'm at the head~" Dream continued to sing about his revenge while Sam made sure everything was secured and nothing was tampered with. When Sam turned to leave, Dream's voice rose once more, this time directed at him, "Oh, Sam~" his voice was light with a song like hum to it, "Sammy boy~" the prisoner cooed the nickname as if he were calling for a lost dog, but there was a certain malice to it. "Oh Samuel. The great Warden of this prison, the great heartbreaker, arm taker, and killer of his own son. He lived a lie, yet still he tried, to make right his wrongs. Sammy boy, pushed everyone away, now nobody wants to stay, for company other than me oh so he longs." Dream sang, knowing he was getting to the creeper hybrid, who tried his best to disregard the prisoner's taunting.

A few weeks later, Sam was sitting on the floor of the platform opposite of Dream's cell, listening to the deranged man perform more of his demented rhymes. Sam had grown to like Dream's company, for he was the only person to talk to anymore, only person who was at the prison besides him, only person who didn't constantly berate him and his decisions. Nobody came to see him anymore, nobody came to visit. Soon enough, Sam joined in the singing, his voice betraying just how tired and mentally fucked up he had become, "Sing, sing muse, it is not me who shall lose. I'll cut off your tongue, and make sure that you're done, and then I'll give you another bruise. Watch out, beware, you better not stare, or you'll end up just like the mayor. Battered and broken, not worth a single token, more worthless than even you. That's how the mayor is, and how the mayor was, and that's just because." Dream continued to sing nonsensical rhymes, Sam occasionally finishing them as his dead eyes stared straight ahead. It was odd that nobody had come to check on him or Dream... right...? Right.

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