■ Royalty ■

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Warnings: slight angst, mentions of violence,


Sam sighed, staring down at the boy who stood before him, "so, what do you want to know?" Tommy brightened up slightly, standing a bit taller, "Why do you always wear that crown Sam, you aren't royalty or some shit, are you?" The teen held a confused look on his face as he added the last part. Sam just chuckled, gently gripping the teen's shoulder, "Come with me, Toms. I have something to show you..."

The pair arrived in a room that branched off of the main hallway in Sam's house, Tommy had never been in there before. The taller walked over to a red velvet curtain and pulled it to the side, tying it up and out of the way of an old painting. "Come closer," Sam started, gesturing for Tommy to stand by him. The teen nodded, taking a few steps close to examine the picture. In the picture were four people, two adults, presumably married, as they both wore wedding bands and they had their heads leaning against each other's happily. The other two were children, one of them a short boy with dirty blonde hair, and the other a taller and older looking boy with the same dark green hair that Sam had. Tommy observed the picture more, noticing how the man had a beautiful jewel encrusted crown on his head, and the women wore a slightly less dazzling crown, whereas, the two boys wore small crowns, each with a different colored gem, one blue, and one green. Tommy also noticed how everyone in the painting was adorned in a royal like garb, all wearing pretty clothing that looked reminiscent of Technoblade's kingly wear. "Sam... is that you?" Tommy asked quietly, pointing to the green haired boy, "Yep, that was me... and that's my mom and dad, and my adopted brother, Andrew. My mom and dad were the King and Queen of the land we lived in, it's been so long that I don't remember the name and I don't think it exists anymore... but anyways, my brother and I were princes... it all changed the day that my dad had us run away from the kingdom, he didn't tell us why, but I soon found out, when Andrew was captured... I think they killed him, but I wasn't sure, as I kept running, further and further, and further..." Sam trailed off, gazing longingly at the painting. "The crown I now wear... it's a sore reminder of my past, but it contains both Andrew and I's crowns we had in our youth... When they got him, I tried to grab him, but all I got was his crown... this is all I have left of them now... these gems in my crown belonged to me, Andrew, and my parents, they came from our crowns and then the jewelry my parents gave us over the years..." Sam trailed off into silence, now holding his crown in his hands and staring at it longingly. Tommy frowned, "Well... that's in the past, right? You got me now, I'll ways stick by ya, Sammy!" Sam smiled softly at Tommy's heartfelt gesture and placed the crown atop the shorter's head, "Here, I've worn this long enough, I'm entrusting it to you, Toms." Sam kneeled down on to one knee, bowing his head, "You now take my place in the kingdom. You're now the prin- I mean, King, of whatever you desire, as once was I." After finishing the little ceremony, Sam rose to his feet once more, smiling happily at the surprised, yet star struck, look on Tommy's face. "HOLY SHIT, SAM! YOU- YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO!! I-" the taller laughed, placing a hand on Tommy's shoulder, "I love you so much, Tommy. It only felt right that I pass it on to you, you're like a son to me, and a King has to always pass his place down to his prince now, doesn't he?" Tommy was holding back happy tears, as he didn't want to seem like a wuss or a softie, he wanted to keep up his tough facade, even though he was only with Sam, who was practically his father, and knew almost everything about him. Tommy just hugged Sam tightly, not knowing any other way to express his emotions quietly. Sam returned the hug, rubbing the teen's back slowly. He was glad to have Tommy with him.

Sorry this one isn't that good, I got the idea and was like "holy heck, I gotta do this!!" And then I didn't know how to word things and stuff, and yeah,,

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