♤ Skeleton's tale ♤

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Warnings: death, murder, "sad events", kinda dumb story ngl

(This is more of a dumb one in my opinion, but some people may like it) (:


"Tommy?" A gentle voice called from down the stairs, causing the young male to quickly grab his things and rush down them. "Yeah dad?" The blonde asked, setting his backpack on the floor by the table. "Your dinner is ready, hun. It's in your spot." An ever so slightly taller male who wore a red, black, and yellow Supreme mask said, gesturing over to the plate of fried fish, curly fries, and corn on the cob, which sat neatly on the table. Tommy smiled, "Thanks!" "Any time." The masked male replied sweetly. Shortly after Tommy sat down, another person walked into the room, he was a 7'3" creeper hybrid who sported messy dark green hair and a thin tail which trailed behind him gracefully, "Oooo, whatcha cookin' Ponkie?" He asked as he smelled the delicious food that was being put onto two other plates. "Dinner." Ponk joked, glancing sideways at the taller with a smirk. Tommy rolled his eyes, waiting for the other two to sit down with their food before he ate. "Sam, dear? Could you please get us some drinks?" Ponk asked as he carefully grabbed another cob of corn to set on his own plate. "Yep! What do you want to drink, Toms?" Sam asked, glancing at the younger, who quickly replied, "Coke please!" Sam smiled and then headed over to the fridge where he grabbed a Coke, a Dr Pepper, and a water for the three of them before he sat at his spot at the table. After they were all situated, the small family of three began to eat, exchanging words occasionally, and discussing future plans. "So, Toms, I heard you turned in a project today. What was it about?" Sam asked after swallowing a mouthful of food. "OH YEAH!!" Tommy exclaimed, completely forgetting about it, "We had to write this loooooong story about a picture of two skeletons who were found holdin' eachother an' shit. We had to write what we think happened to 'em. So guess what I did?" The younger paused momentarily, smiling. "What did you do?" Ponk asked, looking at him. "I wrote the story of 'em based off of you guys!" Tommy laughed, smiling wide as he continued, "I said that they were two brave explorers, Ponk and Sam, who traveled the world together after meeting in the middle of a war, both from opposin' sides. On their many journeys, the two grew closer, eventually falling for eachother. They began to conquer many quests that were given to them and claim many treasures, but one day, tragedy struck- wait! Do you guys want me to read it to you instead of summarizin'?!" Sam chuckled, "Sure, go and get it." Tommy huzzah-ed before bolting back up the stairs to his room. "He's very creative for a ten year old," Sam observed, raising an eyebrow. "Definitely," Ponk agreed, taking another bite of his corn. A few moments later, Tommy came back, a few papers in his hands, he plopped down at the table once more before clearing his throat, "Are you guys ready?" He asked, a big smile on his face. His two dads both nodded, waiting for him to begin his tall tale. The younger cleared his throat once more before beginning his story, "Once there was a very brave man, he was known as King Samuel and loved by all. He one day decided he no longer wanted to rule over his kingdom, so he handed it over to his son, Prince Tomathy (AKA me). The brave man then began to travel the vast provinces of the land he called home, The Greater Dream SMP. The brave former king Samuel met another brave man on his many travels, he was a former bandit king named Ponce. Now Ponce wasn't your average former bandit king, he had lead the bandits to do good deeds which in turn earned them more coin than if they were bad, which was good. Former bandit king Ponce met former king Samuel while in the middle of the Eastern War, they got caught in the crossfire of it all and were forced into choosing sides. The two happened to be on opposite sides of the war, but they met in the midst of it. Samuel, adorned in netherite enforced golden armor stood before Ponce, who wasn't wearing much armor at all. When Samuel laid eyes on Ponce, he choked on his breath, the man standing before him looked powerful in ways other than brute strength, yet he couldn't explain it. Ponce froze as well when he saw Samuel, the taller was enticing in ways he couldn't even begin to imagine. The two ended up face to face, everything seemed to pause for them, just for them.

When the war ended, they met up again after braving the war till the end, it ended in a draw. "Ponce. Call me Ponk." The shorter introduced himself, holding out a hand for the taller to shake. "The name is Samuel, but please, call me Sam." The taller replied, shaking the hand offered to him. The duo ended up becoming a team, they began to travel the various provinces of The Greater Dream SMP, facing all sorts of peril along the way. In the end, Sam had been gravely wounded by a DragonPriest, who had poisoned him with magic and stabbed him in the chest, narrowly missing his heart or anything vital. Ponk ended up killing the DragonPriest, but his beloved Sam wasn't doing too hot. Ponk sat with Sam as he was dying, for there was nothing the either of them could do. The two held eachother close, not wanting to be without the other, it was a true love tragedy. When Sam eventually passed, Ponk passed soon after due to a broken heart, leaving the two former kings, of bandits and kingdom, frozen in time. Their skeletons were eventually recovered millions of years later by a lone wanderer, who took the picture of them and wondered what their story could possibly be."

Sam and Ponk sat in shocked silence, they never expected Tommy to be capable of writing a story like that. The duo looked at each other, surprise evident on their faces. "So? How did you guys like it??" Tommy asked in excitement, smiling from ear to ear. "I loved it, hun." Ponk said, smiling. "I'm honestly shocked by your writing, Toms. Keep it up." Sam added, ruffling the boy's hair. The family of three then had dessert before going to sit on the couch to watch TV before going to bed.


This didn't turn out how I wanted it to. It honestly sucks, but everyone sees something differently, maybe one of you will actually like this lmao

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