!¡ Legend ¡! [4, final]

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Warnings: fluff,, major fluff


Ponk lay beside Sam, the taller's arms were wrapped around him, just as the night had her arms wrapped around the 'realm' they were in. Sam was softly snoring, snuggled up to Ponk as if he were a teddy bear. Ponk was thinking the whole time he was awake, he ended up staying an extra night, and he would decide what to do in the morning. Millions of thoughts coursed through the small spirit's head as he lay there, the only thing keeping him calm were the soft snores and presence of his lover, they were the only things keeping him grounded at the moment. Things were beginning to look bleak as the sun peeked his head over the horizon, beginning to fill the land with light, awake the sleeping, and send the nocturnal creatures to bed, but then, it dawned upon him. Ponk knew exactly what to do.

After Sam had awoken and made the pair a beautiful breakfast, they sat beneath the lemon tree, holding hands and leaning their heads together. "Sam," Ponk said softly, willing the other to listen. "Not just yet Ponk... let me enjoy this, please... as I may not get to see you for some time, which plagues me with great sadness... I do not wish for you to go." Sam nearly interrupted, his tone stern yet still caring and gentle. Ponk sighed, "I know what to do, Sam. I have chosen..." he paused briefly, looking at his lap for a moment before looking back up, at the view before him, "We cannot delay this any longer, my love. I must tend to my 'realm' as you tend to yours... we all have jobs, responsibilities, a life to live and a land to care for... That is why I have chosen what I did..." Sam cleared his throat, "Then do tell, Ponk. Tell me what you have chosen so I may prepare myself for what is to come..." "I have chosen... to combine our realms... but in order to do that, you must take my hand in marriage... but we do not wish to make such a commitment on a whim, so I have found a way around it. Where we may live together, combine realms, and still obey the laws set for us." Ponk produced a small ring from his pocket, it was a beautiful wood woven ring with a small yellow gem on it that resembled a lemon, "A promise ring..." Ponk paused for a few moments, turning and looking up at Sam, "So? Will you do me the honors?" Sam was more than surprised, he lifted a shaky hand, nodding, as he knew not what to say. Ponk slipped the ring onto one of Sam's fingers, the gem shining bright in the light of the rising sun. "I am unsure of what to say, Ponk... I am ecstatic, for sure... but I know not what to say, my love..." Sam spoke softly, gazing fondly at the ring. Ponk smiled sweetly, "You needn't say a thing. We're alright, quite alright." Ponk then pulled Sam into a sweet kiss, relishing the feeling of his lover's rough hands in his hair, and body pressed against his own.

The two went on to properly combine their two 'realms', the Citrus Grove, and the Dark WyrmWood. It was beautiful for all residents of the two realms as well, everyone was happy, well fed, and warm. Sam and Ponk went on to get married in two year's time, the promise rings doing their job perfectly. Legend says, that if you're deep within the Dark Citrus WyrmWood Grove on a particularly beautiful night, with the Aurora Borealis dancing overhead, you may just hear the laughter and voices of the two spirits who care for their 'realm' just as much as they care for one another.


Wow, that was a fun one to write! This was kind of based off of an idea someone had commented, I can't find the comment, so I can't credit them ):
But seriously, thank you so much to whoever commented the similar idea!!
Have a great day/night and stay safe!!!

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