! Sam Nook !

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Warnings: possible spoilers for the DREAM SMP, slight angst, slight fluff, it's an AU, swearing


Quick A/N
Aight, so in this AU, Sam Nook is a type of symbiote, like Venom! That's the TL;DR of the AU! (:


Tommy looked up at Sam, raising an eyebrow, "So, you going to build the hotel for me or not?" The teen scoffed. Sam nodded slowly, looking over the doodles Tommy had given him to go off of, "I'll see what I can do, Toms... in the meantime though, you'll have to leave me to my work, alighty?" Tommy nodded, smiling and waving, "See ya later then, Sam!!" Sam smiled softly, waving back as the boy ran off, "See ya, Toms!"

The creeper hybrid scratched the side of his head, how would he build this hotel for Tommy while also keeping up with his other work? "I COULD ALWAYS HELP YOUU~!" A deeper, more distorted, voice broke his thoughts, "Mhmm, Nook, sure. Can you even build?" Sam muttered, huffing as he continued to look over the ideas. "YES!! AND I'M VERY GOOD AT IT!! IF YOU'D LET ME DO MORE, MAYBE YOU WOULD SEE! GIVE ME A CHANCE WITH THIS, PLEASE!! I LOVE TOMMY TOM TOMS AS MUCH AS YOU DO, SAMMY BOY!!" Sam nodded slowly at that, "Fine... but if you mess this up, in any way, I will personally bring you to the Nether and throw you in a lava lake." "OK, OK! I UNDERSTAND!!" The voice quickly replied, a hint of happiness playing on their tongue. Sam rolled his eyes, "One more thing, you can't let Tommy know it's us, you have to act like you aren't a part of me, got it?" "MHMM! YEP! YESSIR!" Sam closed his eyes, sighing softly. A dark green fluid like substance began to creep across the warden's body as Nook revealed himself. Once he was fully formed, Nook took on the appearance of a raccoon like critter before throwing on a safety vest and hard hat, "SAFETY FIRST!!" With large toothy grin, Nook then began to create a giant billboard for the Big Innit Hotel.

Nobody on the server knew about Nook, or the fact that Sam carried- well, homed? A symbiote. Nobody on the server knew what a symbiote was to Sam's knowledge, so he just kept Nook on the down low, keeping him hidden at all times, yet also allowing him some freedom. The symbiote minded well, not being as rowdy or vicious as others, but still having a big mouth and sometimes nasty attitude.

A week later, Nook was whistling as he began construction on the hotel, his raccoon like paws making quick work of the packaging that held the screws. He enjoyed the silence, the one time he got to himself was when he was in control, well, when Sam let him out fully. Sam's conciousness was resting in a sense, he couldn't talk to Nook, he didn't know what was really happening, but he was still there. As Nook began to throw a few screws in his vest pocket and reach for some wooden planks, he was interrupted, "Sam?" A familiar voice asked, causing the symbiote to freeze. He slowly turned around, looking down to see Tommy, his beloved (/p). "HELLO, TOMMYINNIT! WHAT DO YOU NEED?" Nook asked, remembering the note that Sam had told him earlier about Tommy liking something called Animal Crossing. "Oh, I just wanted to see how the hotel was coming along... and it looks like shit!" Tommy joked, sticking his nose in the air and sticking out his tongue. "IS IT NOT TO YOUR LIKING? IS THERE ANYTHING I CAN CHANGE?" Nook asked, tilting his head. "N-No... what's with your fuckin' voice? You don't have to yell, Sam." Tommy said confusedly. Nook smiled, "I AM NOT YOUR SAM, I AM SAM NOOK!" He then extended a paw for Tommy to shake, which he did.

I'm sorry, but I cannot bring myself to finish this... I do like the idea, yeah, but I have no motivation to finish it. I've been working on this for a few days now and the wording isn't coming easily to me, nor is the basic plot. Plus, I realized the hypocrisy I bring upon myself by creating and writing about this AU idea. And I HATE hypocrisy.

(Not edited)

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