♧ From the Other Side ♧

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Warnings: angst, maybe fluff?


As I watched my lover of two years await my return at home, my heart ached greatly for him and the pain he will soon know. I hung my head and close my eyes, I never got to tell him goodbye... I wish I could take back the things I said, I wish I was right in the head, for the things I've done to him, the things I've said, should have lost me my place in our bed. But Ponk, oh so caring, and sweet, forgave me countless times, corrected me, told me how to improve and become my personal best.

After the news that I had died reached him, Ponk was a mess... he spent countless hours in our bed, crying his heart out, barely getting up to get anything, not even food... luckily, Foolish began to come over and force Ponk to get out of bed and take care of himself. I liked to see my Ponk healthy again, but something seemed off between the two, Foolish always seemed a little too close. But other than that, I was glad to see Ponk up and moving again. I just watched Ponk all the time, having nothing to do in this... ghostly world... I began to get used to not interacting with him anymore, I didn't try and hug him, greet him in the morning, or anything of the sort. I just was... there...

Ponk was preparing a meal for himself when he heard the door open and a familiar set of foot falls make their way towards him. "Hey Foolish, how've you been?" "Heh, I've actually been pretty good! How're you?" Ponk shrugged, taking a sip from a bottle of water, "I've been better... things are still hard with Sam... gone... but I'm getting things done, the house looks pretty good." Foolish smiled, pulling Ponk into a soft hug, "I'm glad you're doing better, I wouldn't want anything to happen to my bestest friend, now would I?" He let out a small chuckle as he heard Ponk snort, "Psh! You're an idiot!" Ponk laughed, pushing Foolish away from him in a lighthearted manner. "Well, I'm your idiot." Foolish winked playfully, causing Ponk to roll his eyes, "Suuuuuure." The two playfully bantered back and forth as Ponk finished making his meal, filling the house with laughter for the first time in months.

It's been several months since Sam died, Ponk seems to have begun to move on, his attitude more lighthearted and happy than before. "Hey Foolish! Catch me!!" Ponk exclaimed, feigning a jump from the lemon tree that Sam had planted in their yard. Foolish wrapped Ponk in a tight hug, giggling, "Now I'm never going to let you go! You've fallen into my trap!!" Ponk squealed in excitement, wiggling out of Foolish's grasp and sprinting away, the totem god following close behind. The two ran around and around the yard as if they were kids again, a new and welcomed energy filling Ponk's oh so tired bones. When Foolish eventually caught up to Ponk, he tackled him, pulling him to the ground in a tight hug, "Muahahahaha!! You're mine now!!" Ponk faked terror, screaming in a sarcastic manner. Foolish shut him up with a gentle kiss to the forehead, causing the shorter's face to gain a reddish pink hue. The two laid there for some time, Foolish basically on top of Ponk, still trapping him in a hug, they enjoyed fooling around like this, having fun and feeling young again. Life was beginning to feel- no, be, good again.

Sam watched the two, a bittersweet feeling holding his heart in an unfamiliar, and cold way. It was like watching Ponk fall for him all over again, but this time it wasn't him, it was Foolish. Now, Sam wasn't necessarily jealous, just a bit confused as to how quickly Ponk seemed to move on.

Nearly a year later, Ponk and Foolish took it a step further, they moved in together. Into the same house that Ponk had once shared with Sam. It feels as if he has forgotten me... maybe it's for the better though, he's happy. Sam thought, watching the couple as they made lemonade. He caught himself smiling as Ponk popped a lemon slice into his mouth, making a silly face as he pulled his lips back, revealing the peel of the lemon in place of his teeth. Sam remembered when they used to make lemonade together, Ponk would always do that, and then afterwards, would give him a kiss. It felt like an out of body experience, but a good one, as Sam watched Ponk and Foolish. He was happy for them, happy that Ponk had someone to care for him since Sam no longer could.

Maybe it was meant to be. ♡


Ok, so I've had the majority of this written for quite some time and finally finished it (:

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