♧ A fleeting moment ♧

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Warnings: angst, animal death/harm, slight gore,

*partially based off of real events*


As I looked into the eyes of the doe, I could tell she wasn't long for this world. Her breathing had begun to slow and her eyes were already trying to roll back in her head.

"DEER, DEER, DEER!!" Ponk yelled, pointing at the doe as she bolted across the road in front of us. I slammed on the brakes and swerved, still hitting her and then hanging on for dear life as the truck skidded sideways. When the truck came to a stand still, I took a deep breath as Ponk murmured, "Oh no..." I turn my head and see the doe laying in the middle of the road. I turned the truck around and stopped on the roadside, turning on the hazards before we both got out. Ponk covered his mouth with his hands in shock and sadness, the deer was still alive. I slowly approached her, telling Ponk to stay back as I crouched down by her head.

I tentatively reached a shaking hand out and softly stroked the top of her head, hoping to calm her, "Hey, sweet girl... it's ok to let go..." Ponk began to sob, for we had nothing to put her out of her misery with, and anyone we could call was an hour or so away... As I looked her in the eyes, I momentarily saw my cow laying there instead of a doe, it hit very close to home. Too close to home. I began to carefully stroke the back of her head and neck too as she began to slip away, her breathing becoming more and more slow. Blood was still streaming out of her nose and mouth, though it wasn't gushing out like it previously had. The doe let out a weak cry, it sounded like a last defiant cry to the world, one that said, 'You may have got me, but I'm not going down without a fight.'. The doe then exhaled loudly and tried to get up, her hooves scraping against the pavement, spreading the blood from her broken leg across the road beneath her. I had backed up when she moved, not wanting to get kicked by her. She fell back onto her side, a wheezing breath making it's way out of her bloodied nostrils as her head hit the road with a dull thud. I moved closer to her again, watching her stare at me, not necessarily scared, but nervous. I gently reached out again and pet her, she closed her eyes for a bit before opening them once more as another wave of blood came pouring from her nose and mouth. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she let out an awful wheeze. All I could do was try my best to comfort her. As I ran my hand gently along her head and neck, I spoke softly, "Hey, it's ok to let go... you've done your part, it's ok to rest now... it's ok to go, hun..." As I said those last few words, the doe stopped moving and let out a gentle sigh. It was the last one she had. She was gone. I waited a few moments before petting her back and side, not wanting her to kick me because of nerves. She had no pulse, she had no breath, and her eyes began to dull. I closed my eyes, sighing, before placing a hand on her and thanking her and whatever higher power there is for her life and the food she will provide us. I arose and turned to Ponk, who was still sniffling, his rapid breathing accented by the cold air that surrounded us. I embraced him tightly, holding him close. We put the doe in the back of the truck shortly after, she would provide food for us, and we will provide proper respect for her. This will truly be a day we will never forget.

Drive safe.

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