♡ Letters to home ♡

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Warnings: potential lore spoilers?


Dear momma,

Things haven't been the best as of late, Tommy had been manipulated by Dream, who is now imprisoned, so I have stepped up to try and help Tommy through this, it hasn't been easy. The poor boy has been through so much, been betrayed so many times, I wish I could do better by him, I would love for any wonderful advice of yours.

Besides that, things have been pretty ok, I'm the warden at the prison, so I've been taking that very seriously. Dividing my time between that and caring for Tommy is tough, but I've managed to do good so far I think. Dream hasn't caused any significant problems as of yet, but I think he's planning something. I've been building a hotel for Tommy too, it's really relaxing work, it gives me a break from the stress in the prison, I hope you're not stressed over anything.

Anyways, how have you been? How are the plants, have the morning glories bloomed yet? I know you've always loved the way they looked, I even planted some near the prison entrance to give it a bit of life and remind me of you. Have you gotten your starry skies petunias yet? If so, did you plant them in that cute little cow planter like you normally do? I hope all's well with you, I think about you a lot and I miss you.

Lots of love,
Sam ♡


Dear momma,

Today, Tommy came to visit Dream in the prison for the last time, he told me he would tell Dream what he wanted to and then he would leave and never visit again. I shouldn't have let him go. Something compromised the security of the prison and it went into lockdown, trapping Tommy in the cell with Dream, there was nothing I could do. Dream beat Tommy to death, it's all my fault, I couldn't save him.

I told mostly everyone what happened, Tommy's best friend, Tubbo, couldn't believe it, he denied it happening. The server is broken because of this, and it's all my fault.

I hope all is well with you,


Dear momma,

Tommy was revived by Dream somehow... he's back.... I got him out of there as soon as I could, but he hates me now... I tried my best...

I failed him...

Lots of love,


Dear momma,

Everything is going wrong. I hurt Ponk, he left me, I hurt Tommy, he left me. I'm all alone. All alone with the prisoner, Dream. I feel I'm losing my mind... I was trapped with the egg for some time and bad things happened, but I'm... ok now... Fran seems to be the only one here who cares for me...

I thought I heard your voice today, but it was just my mind playing tricks on me... Nobody visits anymore besides Quackity, who I don't even see or talk to... I'm alone here... with my thoughts and the prisoner...

Please stay safe.


Dear momma,

I'm starting to see things, hear things, that aren't there... I fear I'm losing myself... and my mind... Any advice helps...

Love you.


Dear momma,


Haha short story based off of my personal headcanon that C!Sam writes letters to his mom (:

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