◇ Blind ◇

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Warnings: slight angst, blindness, description of wounds, wounds,


Blackness. Dark, neverending blackness. The neverending blackness was all the warden could see now, his ears laid flat against his head as his short muzzle twisted into a snarl. The creeper hybrid gripped his trident with tight handpaws as he tried to grasp his surroundings, one moment he could see the mobs before him, and the next, everything went dark and a searing pain shot through his eyes. After a few moments of reeling in shock mixed with pain, the hybrid shook his head, trying his best to find a way out of this situation he got into, find a way to make it out alive. He was about to take another step back, but his tail brushed against a tree, indicating there was nowhere to back up, but then he remembered that Fran had been with him and he began to panic when he couldn't hear her. "Fran?!" Sam called out, the worry evident in his voice as he turned his head every which way to try and pick up at least one of her paw steps. "Sam!!" A familiar voice yelled, followed by sounds of a skirmish. Sam's ears perked up as he heard the voice, it was Tommy. After the mobs had been dealt with, Tommy raced over to Sam's side, "Oh my- What happened?! Your eyes! There all bloody n shit!" The boy yelled, placing a hand on each side of Sam's face to try and get a better look at the damage. "Ah shit, I need to get you home, and fast... you're losing a lot of blood..." Tommy then gently gripped Sam's forearm and guided him home, where Tommy sat him down on the couch and messaged Ponk.

Sam sat on the couch, Tommy's shirt now wrapped around his eyes to staunch the bleeding. The teen had slipped on one of Wilbur's old coats and was pacing back and forth as he waited for Ponk to respond. Sam hummed softly as he felt a familiar warmth press itself against his side and a familiar tail whacking his shoulder, the hybrid reached out and pet Fran gently, hoping he was petting her on the back of her neck where she liked it the most. As Sam began to finally relax, minus the burning pain scorching through his face, he began to absentmindedly play with Fran's ears, brushing them back with his handpaws, massaging the bases of them, and just messing around with them. Luckily, Fran didn't mind this and loved the attention she was getting, wagging her tail more and more. After a while longer, Tommy went over to Sam, "Ponk says he's on his way, he's bringing everything he may need and we have some stuff here. He said he'll try his best to get here soon, just hang in there." Sam nodded, being unusually silent.

When Ponk arrived, Sam's ears twitched, his hearing had always been unusually heightened due to him being a hybrid, but the sounds around him were beginning to become more crisp, clear, he was beginning to hear things he previously couldn't, the beating of Fran's heart as she lay next to him, her head in his lap. Sam mentally shrugged it off, listening as Ponk spoke with Tommy before approaching him, "Sam, I'm going to remove Tommy's shirt from your eyes so I can take a peek, ok?" Sam just nodded gently, his ears laying back slightly in anticipation for the pain to come. Ponk gently unraveled the shirt Tommy had tied onto Sam's face, revealing the full extent of the damage. Ponk sucked in a deep breath as he took in the wound before him, Sam's right eye was completely missing while the other one was sliced open, blood still pooling around the socket. When the shirt was removed, it pulled away the thin layer of scabbing the wound had begun to create, causing the wounds to bleed profusely once more, thus causing them to look worse. Sam winced as Ponk carefully picked out a fragment of stone from his wound, it was an arrowhead. "It looks like a skeleton's arrow got you just right... I'm sorry Sam, but I don't think I can save your vision... one of your eyes is completely gone while the other is severely damaged... I'm so sorry..." Sam just huffed, laying his ears back fully, "It's not your fault. No need to be sorry." Ponk knew not to argue with the warden, for it would get him nowhere, so he turned to his medical bag and began to pull things out, "Alright, I'm going to begin cleaning your wounds, it's going to sting a bit, but it has to be done." Sam nodded, flicking an ear before lifting his face slightly, which allowed more light onto the wounds. Ponk began to gently dab at the wounds, stopping the bleeding and then cleaning them out and disinfecting them carefully, Sam tried not the wince much, but it hurt a lot. When Ponk was done cleaning the wounds, he gently wrapped
bandages around Sam's eyes, which would help stop the bleeding if it began again and it would help keep the salves and various other medicinal substances in place. "Ponk...?" Sam asked softly after Ponk had finished, "Mhmm?" Came the shorter's reply, "Thank you... you really didn't have to help me." "Pshh! Of course I had to help you, Sam! You're literally my best friend!!" Sam smiled softly, feeling a pair of arms wrap around him gently, "I'd do just about anything for you." Sam sighed softly, leaning into the touch, "And I would do just about anything for you." Ponk gently pressed his lips to Sam's forehead, a gesture the pair had picked up recently, but it wasn't meant to be anything more than platonic. "Ew! Get a room!" Tommy whined as he walked into the room. Ponk's eyes widened and his face turned a light shade of red, Sam just laughed softly, "You should be the one getting a room, we didn't ask you to walk in on us!" His tone was lighthearted and dripping with sarcasm. Tommy just scoffed, shuffling over to the couch and sitting on the opposite end from the other two. Ponk sat down beside Sam after taking care of the medical supplies, he then wrapped an arm around Tommy's shoulders and pulled him closer, "Let's play a game or something!"

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