■ Alone Again ■

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TW // mentions of/implied suicide
Warnings: suicide mention/implication, angst,


"I'm sorry..." the words slipped from my mouth so silky smooth I could nearly taste the honey. I closed my eyes as I began to fall backwards, the only noise I registered was the sound of footsteps racing towards me and a heartbroken voice screaming, "SAM!! NO!!!" I relished the feeling of the wind enveloping my body as I plummeted towards the earth below, the wind taking on an odd warmth as if welcoming me as a friend. I finally felt free as I welcomed my final free fall of life, wind whipping past me and a few thoughts circulating my mind. I opened my eyes, realizing I was about halfway to the ground. The view from here was beautiful. The way the sun hit the clouds so perfectly that it gave off the prettiest hues of pinkish purple I have ever seen, it's funny how I'm seeing such beautiful things as I fall to my death. The last thing I remember doing was looking back towards where I fell from, seeing the man I loved most still leaning over the edge with an arm extended towards me, the most heartbroken look in his eyes as tears spilled down his face. He looked so beautiful.

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