🍋 When the Lemon Tree Dies 🍋

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Warnings: angst, it's poetry, sad stuff

[[This is a more poetic type of writing, so if you don't like poems, feel free to skip!]]


When the lemon tree dies, its leaves shall fall
Scattering on the ground, for insects to maul.
Her leaves will crumble and scatter about,
To nothing more than dust, shall they amount.

Two figures stand beneath this tree,
Holding eachother as close as can be.
One bleeds out, while the other pleads "Don't go!"
The leaves fall around them like darkening snow.

He holds his lover's hand oh so tight,
While his vision blurs as he loses his fight.
The fallen warrior smiled so bright,
Bringing comfort to his lover on this dreary, dark night.

As he breathes his last, his lover cries,
His mournful voice filling the ever darkening skies.
The one left alone in this very cruel world,
Held his lover near while the falling leaves, around him swirled.

The masked man mourns and weeps,
The lemon tree praying to the lord his lover's soul to keep.
As the sun rises above that lonesome hill,
The lemon tree dies, filling the small male with a will.

A will to survive, a will to live,
A will to go on, her love to give.
As the sun shines down on him, the man rises to his feet,
The one who killed his lover is who he must meet.
Taking their life and restoring another,
Living his life to the fullest, as told by his mother.

The sun gives him warmth, a will to go on,
Unknown to him, strengthening their bond.
The lemon tree wilts as he walks away,
New powers in hand, and in mind, the start of a new day.


A little explanation of this poem for those who don't understand:
A lemon tree is dying, she is old and frail. A warrior (Sam) and his lover (Ponk), end up stopping beneath the lemon tree, with Sam bleeding out from a fight gone wrong. Sam ends up dying, causing Ponk great distress, and the lemon tree feels bad, so with her dying "breath", she bestows upon Ponk the will to go on, find who killed Sam, and killing them, avenging his lover. The lemon tree gave Ponk the will and power to go on and do that. Idk how else to explain it,, it's magic.

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