¤ Beauty and the Beast ¤

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Warnings: fluff?, over protectiveness, slight gore, violence, blood, mentions of torture/punishments


"Ponk, get behind me." Sam hissed softly, his voice laced with venom, yet Ponk could catch the undertone of worry. As the pair faced down Technoblade, the creeper hybrid stood rigid, one hand reaching back and resting on Ponk so he knew he was there, and the other hovering over the handle of his trident. "Hand over Ponk and no one gets hurt," the monotone voice of the hog hybrid drifted across the clearing to the pair, causing Sam's expression to darken, "I'm afraid I can't do that." Techno snorted, narrowing his eyes, "And why not? He stole my stuff and deserves to be punished for not returning it, so just hand him over and we can talk it out. I'm not the type to always carry things out violently." Ponk, now practically hiding behind Sam, began to shake, the cold wind was finally beginning to penetrate through the thick hoodie he wore, "Wh-What if I give you some of your stuff back, a-and some of my own a-as payment for what I los-st?" "Hmm, I could consider that, buuut, you did take some pretty valuable things from me." The boar replied, flicking an ear. Sam glared at Technoblade, "How about, I, get you some stuff, I can craft you knew things with good enchants, I could even build you a redstone contraption if you want." Technoblade just grunted, swinging his axe in his hands as he stood, "Nah, I'd rather see this punk brought to some justice." "Wh-wh- And what justice do you h-have in mind?" Ponk asked quietly, the fear evident in his voice. "Hmm, maybe a public execution like L'Manburg tried on me? Nah, too brutal... maybe I could feed you to the bears...? That would be too harsh. I could possibly-" "Stop." Sam's cold voice cut through the air like a freshly sharpened razor blade. "I will serve his punishment, I have all three lives." Technoblade chuckled, snorting a little as he did so, "You're hilarious, Sam, really, you are. But that ain't happening. Ponk can serve his own punishment, which won't necessarily even be death." Technoblade paused momentarily to see how Sam reacted, seeing the glimmer in his eyes, Technoblade continued, "I could punch him in the face, or ya know, cut off his hand and wear it on a necklace," Technoblade accentuated the statement with his famous laugh, he enjoyed watching the rage boiling up behind Sam's eyes, but what he didn't enjoy was the sudden stabbing pain in his torso. The hog hybrid let out a soft 'oomph' as he doubled over slightly, the force of what just happened pushing him back ever so slightly. The stabbing pain originated from the trident that now protruded from his stomach, its wielder still grasping the handle and grinding it deeper into his victim with a burning hatred the hog had rarely seen. As blood bubbled from Technoblade's nose, he tried to gasp for air, but one of the trident's prongs had punctured one of his lungs, causing his breath to come out a gurgling mess. The hybrid fell to the ground, letting out wretched wraspy gurgles as his breathing began to slow. Sam narrowed his eyes as he watched the once mighty Technoblade poof into a cloud of smoke, pulling his trident back and putting it in its scabbard. The creeper hybrid then turned to his lover, "Let's go home..." Ponk could do nothing but stare up at Sam, horrified. Sam began to walk away, gently gripping Ponk's arm as he did so, but Ponk wouldn't move, he just stared down at where Technoblade had once laid. "You're safe now, if he tries to come back and hurt you, I'll kill him again. I will protect you with my life, you mean everything to me." Ponk shuddered at the warden's words, unsure of how they felt after what had just happened. As Ponk stood there, he began to shiver again from the cold, but he didn't notice it, he was too busy still staring at where the hog hybrid had been. A pair of warm arms wrapped around the short male's midsection and he felt a warm breath on his neck, as the shock wore off, Ponk gently clasped one of the arms wrapped around him, prying it off gently, "Sam... take me home..." no words were spoken after that, Sam just gently pulled away and carefully took Ponk's hand in his own before beginning the walk back, the shorter following him in a daze.

By the time they had reached home, Sam was carrying Ponk on his back, the smaller had gotten too cold in the snowy weather they had been in. Sam gently set Ponk down on the couch before going to grab a big blanket, he then draped the blanket over Ponk and crawled under it beside him, pulling him close. Sam and Ponk cuddled for a few hours, Ponk eventually falling asleep, and Sam softly playing with his hair.

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