○ Radio Silence ○

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Warnings: continuation of the last one, same warnings apply.


A soft knock on his bedroom door awoke Sam, who got up and sluggishly trudged across his room to open the door. When he opened it, he was surprised to look down and see Tommy, who was looking back up at him, hints of worry clouding his expression. "Uh- I don't want to sound a-all sappy 'n shit but uh- UhM- are you- how- how are-" the boy cut off momentarily, frustrated, before blurting out, "How are you feeling? Do you need anything?" Sam smiled softly, "I'm... doing a bit better... I don't think I need anything, but if you want to hang out or something we can." Tommy smiled, "Hell yeah!!!" Sam laughed before waving Tommy over to his bed where the two sat down. The taller then grabbed the remote and turned on his television, then handing it to Tommy so he could choose what they watched. The younger scrolled through the channels, eventually stopping on an animal show, something like Big Cat Diary. Tommy leaned his head on Sam's shoulder after a while, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere the two shared. "Sam?" Tommy asked quietly, "Yes?" Sam replied, turning his head to look at the young boy, "I love you." Sam laughed, hugging Tommy, "I love you too." The two's bond had become stronger, Sam becoming more and more of a father figure to Tommy, who absolutely adored spending time with the older. The two watched tv for a few more hours, Tommy eventually falling asleep due to his "go go go" personality and schedule. Sam's eyes were drooping when he heard the front door open and someone walk in, footsteps lead to his room and the door slowly opened, revealing Ponk, who seemed a little short of breath. Sam raised a finger to his lips, gesturing to the sleeping Tommy before Ponk could speak, which made the shorter freeze momentarily, comprehending the situation before smiling. Ponk quietly made his way over to Sam and Tommy, sitting down next to Sam and leaning close to his ear, hoping to not wake Tommy, "I came to check up on you, how are you feeling?" Sam's demeanor changed since Ponk arrived, "Better." Ponk smiled, "Good, I'm glad. Well, I guess I'll go since Tommy's asleep." The shorter moved to get up, but Sam gently grabbed his wrist and pulled him back softly, "Stay... please..." Sam's eyes held a pleading look. Ponk shook his head, "I'm sorry, I can't. Foolish needs my help." Sam sighed as Ponk left, pulling Tommy closer. Since Ponk seemed to want nothing to do with him, Sam would do his best to care for Tommy.

A few hours later, when Tommy awoke, the blonde yawned and realized he was halfway laying on Sam, "Oh, I'm sorry!" Sam laughed softly, "You're fine, Toms. You needed to rest, if you were bothering me, I would have moved you." Tommy nodded, "Could I have a blanket please? I'm a tad chilly." Sam nodded, pulling a blanket over the both of them, "If you need anything else, let me know and I'll get it for you." Tommy smiled at that before it faltered, "Hey! I'm supposed to be the one taking care of you, not the other way around!!" The two began to laugh, Tommy leaning against Sam as he did so. Sam noticed some blood soaking through his bandages and stopped laughing, "Hey, could you possibly help me change these?" Tommy nodded, "Of course, big man!"

Tommy finished gently wrapping the bandages around Sam's arms, making sure they weren't too tight or too loose before taking a step back, smiling proudly. Sam smiled softly, "Thank you, Toms." Tommy nodded before the two left the bathroom and went back to sit on Sam's bed. After a few more hours, Ponk returned, this time Tommy was awake. "Hiya, Ponk!" Tommy said as the masked man entered the room, he was a lot more enthusiastic and happy than normal. Ponk waved lazily back at the teen before approaching Sam. "Sam, I'm sorry, I know this isn't the right time, but I need you to leave. I need this house for myself and we did agree that if something were to happen..." he trailed off, leaving Sam in shocked silence. "You can't do that to him!" Tommy barked, jumping off the bed and walking over to Ponk, getting up in his face. "Tommy, stop. He has every right to do so, we agreed." Sam said calmly, but Tommy didn't stop yelling at Ponk. "Tommy. I said stop. If you could help me pack some things that would be great." The teen whirled around, surprised, "But dad! He has- he- no right!!!" Sam left out a huff of air before throwing some of his things into a backpack, luckily he never had a lot of stuff there. "Let's go, Toms. I'll get a new house and you're welcome to stay any time." Sam mumbled, walking out of the room. Tommy grabbed Sam's arm, causing him to yell in slight pain, "Sorry- but uh-" Tommy gestured behind himself. Sam turned to see everything begin to fade.

Sam woke up, it was a dream, Tommy and him were still on his bed, Tommy was fast asleep, there was a letter taped to the back of his room door as well. Sam rubbed his face before carefully getting up and walking over to the letter and opening it,

Dear Sam,
I wanted to let you know that I stopped by to check on you again, but you and Tommy were fast asleep. Please let me know when Tommy leaves so we can have a talk.
♡ Ponk

Sam blinked a few times before taking the letter and setting it on his night stand. The man then quietly exited his bedroom and went to make himself something to eat since he hadn't eaten all day... or in a few days... Sam threw together a sandwich and wolfed it down before remembering something, rather someone, Fran. Sam quietly ran to where Fran's room was and peeked his head in, Fran was fast asleep, her food and water dish full and a note was taped to the door. Sam carefully opened the letter to find kind of sloppy handwriting,

Hey Big Man,
Thought you could use some help since your not doing the best, so I fed and watered Fran for you. I'll keep this up until your able to do it yourself. I'll also take Fran out to the bathroom and to play with, I'll make sure Fran stays healthy.
Feel better soon Big S!!

Sam smiled warmly at Tommy's letter, ignoring the spelling errors and closing the door to Fran's room, making sure the doggy door was unlocked. Sam made his way back to the kitchen to see Tommy, "Oh! I was just trying to find you! I was gonna tell you I'm gonna head out. Thanks for the fun evening!" Sam smiled, replying, "Anytime." Before Tommy walked out the door, he turned back, "Love ya, dad!" "Love you too, son."

Sam texted Ponk, letting him know that Tommy left about 15 minutes ago and that he had had to clean himself up a bit, aka; brush his hair, change his clothes, brush his teeth, the normal things. Ponk replied rather quickly, saying he'd be over in a bit. Sam stretched, yawning, before looking at himself in the mirror and seeing how much muscle mass he had already lost from laying in bed for the past day or so. "Man, I'd better work on that again..." he observed quietly, turning around to look at his back, mainly his shoulders. Sam then went to the kitchen and made himself another sandwich, he was hungrier than he thought. When Ponk arrived, he was on his fourth sandwich, just finishing it and taking a sip of the coke he kept in his fridge for Tommy. Ponk walked into Sam's house and spotted him in the kitchen, so he walked over to him, "Hey Sam," he said rather quietly. "Heya Ponk! What was it you needed to talk about?" The shorter sighed, letting his shoulders relax, "We need to talk about us... I- I don't think I can do this anymore... I'm sorry..." Sam frowned slightly, but quickly turned it into a soft smile, "I understand, Ponk. You don't need to worry about it, do what's best for you, I can... well, I can try to take care of myself. Plus, I have Tommy to help, you don't need to check up on me everyday, go do what you want." Ponk frowned, "That's just the problem... you're such a great guy, I-It's so hard..." he sniffed slightly, rubbing his eyes momentarily, "You're too nice and- and understanding, you deserve happiness! I'm afraid I can't give it to you anymore... You deserve better." Sam hugged Ponk gently, "You do what you think is best, don't worry about me, I'll be fine." Ponk sobbed softly, his mind was so conflicted he didn't know what he was feeling at the moment. Sam rubbed his back softly, trying his best to comfort him, "And I'll always be your friend, I'll always be here for you." That made Ponk sob harder, gripping onto the back of Sam's shirt tightly. The two stayed like this for quite some time until Ponk calmed down, "I-I'm sorry, I didn't m-mean to cry like that..." Sam smiled, "It's alright, we all need to cry sometimes, and that's ok."

The pair stayed friends after that, Tommy came over to Sam's almost every day, hanging out with him and talking, enjoying life. Ponk occasionally visited as well, to just chat and catch up, it was nice. Sam even went back to his warden duties, he got slowly better, and used his experiences to help others. And Fran loved the attention she was getting when Sam and Tommy would go on walks, taking her along with them.

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