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Warnings: possible spoilers for the Dream SMP, slight angst, wounds/descriptions of wounds, slight gore


Ponk stifled his tears as he slowly pulled himself away from the crater that had once been L'Manburg, leaving a hefty trail of blood behind him. The young man took a deep breath before looking at what was left of his legs once more. They were nothing more than mangled stumps, bits of flesh hanging onto them whilst blood gushed from them. Ponk then quickly tore off his hoodie sleeves and created a makeshift tourniquet to staunch the blood flow. He then cried for help. Using everything he had left in him, he cried for help.

About a month later, Ponk was doing very good, Eret had found him and quickly helped him out, bringing him somewhere safe, away from the chaos Wilbur had brought upon the citizens of the SMP (and L'Manburg). Ponk had told Eret what to do, how to amputate a few inches of his legs, how to stitch them up, things of the like, Ponk was sort of a doctor after all. Luckily, Eret did everything correctly, with the help of Niki, who gladly helped. Sam had been one of the first to visit Ponk after he had found out about him losing his legs, the creeper hybrid had even already started to sketch out ideas for prosthetic legs, "I was thinking I could cover them with some plastic like material I made when I mixed really old phantom membranes with slime and nether wart, which would give them a pretty red hue, what do you think?" Ponk smiled at Sam's enthusiasm, "You don't need to do any of this for me, Sam... I can just use a wheelchair or something to get around..." Sam frowned, narrowing his eyes and shaking his head, "I refuse to let you do that! What kind of friend would I be if I didn't use my redstone and mechanical knowledge to help you?" Ponk smiled softly, looking Sam in the eyes, "You're the best friend anyone could wish for. You don't need to bend over backwards for me, Sammy. I can help myself a little too." Sam let out a grumpy huff, averting his gaze to the floor, "Whatever you say..." Ponk frowned, using his elbows to sit up and then reaching out with one hand to pull Sam closer, forcing the taller into a hug. Ponk tightened his embrace, closing his eyes and relaxing slightly, "Thank you for always being there for me... I don't know what I'd do without you." Sam returned the hug softly, his eyes squeezed shut as he hugged Ponk, "I don't know what I'd do without you, either."

Within the next few days, Ponk finally allowed Sam to make him prosthetic legs, and was helping him design parts of them, "What if they were reinforced with netherite? Wouldn't that make them stronger?" Ponk asked, tilting his head. Sam shook his head slowly, "No, it would make them more stiff to use and near impossible to de-rust. You wouldn't want that, but maybe I could use a little diamond..." Ponk hummed as a reply, nodding as he learned something new. Sam smiled, "If that's it minus the looks, I should be able to get these done in the next few days, just keep working with the wheelchair until then, alright Ponkie?" Ponk nodded, "Alright Sammy!"

Within the next week or so, Sam had finished up the prosthetic legs for his friend and he had even fixed anything that wasn't working right. The creeper hybrid gave them to Ponk a day or two after he finished working out the kinks and getting them working smoothly. Ponk was, of course, delighted, and tried them on immediately, trying to wobble his way around, but only ending up with a face full of Sam's chest after he fell into the taller. "Sorry!!" Ponk gasped, holding onto Sam for dear life as he tried to regain his balance. Sam just laughed, gently helping Ponk stand, "maybe try using a walking stick, like this one," Sam pulled out one of his older axes, it had a long and gnarled handle made from birch, he then carefully took the head off and handed the handle- well, now walking stick, to Ponk. "Wh- You didn't have to use your old axe for this!!" Ponk whined, feeling bad that his friend destroyed one of his most prized possessions to help him. Sam shook his head, "It's not a big deal. I was going to probably scrap it anyways." Ponk gave Sam a big hug, this time intentionally.

Over the next few days, Ponk got the hang of using the prosthetics, he could now walk a foot or two without using the walking stick, which was good progress. Ponk slowly walked down the Prime Path, using the walking stick as a nice balance for himself. He took a sharp turn to where L'Manburg once was, it was now just a dusty crater, but new life began to spring out of it as he heard Tubbo's voice drifting over to him, "C'mon, men! It's looking better than ever, just imagine how proud Wilbur would be... I mean- just imagine how great this will look!" Ponk smiled sadly at the teen president's enthusiasm, which was much needed in these times. He continued his walk, passing the crater and heading up the path that lead to Tommy's dirt hut. When he reached Tommy's place, he decided to take a break by sitting on the cliff by their bench. Ponk sighed softly as he looked out over the land of the Dream SMP,

Things will get easier in time, we just need to stay determined.

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