● Scars ●

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Warnings: ever so slight angst, fluff, panic attack, mentions of past events, possible spoilers for the Dream SMP

*Original idea from Tassuki_gacha*


Ponk had never liked his face, it was covered in horrid scars earned from the place he despised most, home. The young man always wore a mask to cover the scars, to hide the hideous marks on his face, to hide the real him. The mask he wore was red, adorned with pretty yellow and black criss crossing stripes that wove around eachother like snakes. It was a gift from a friend. Ponk never let anyone catch him without his mask, afraid of their reactions to his scarring, afraid he may be chased away from where he lived, afraid he may become targeted for his past. The poor young man was afraid of someone seeing who he truly was, or, who he used to be.

On a nice sunny afternoon, Ponk was sitting on a lower branch of his favorite lemon tree, gently grasping his mask in his hands. It was nice to occasionally take it off, let the wind flow through his unruly platinum blonde curls. Ponk enjoyed the freedom he felt without the mask, but he was still too afraid to be seen without it. The young man hummed a soft tune as he gazed out over the small forest before him, swaying his legs back and forth lazily while he enjoyed the view. Ponk let his mask rest in his lap as he lifted up a hand to let a bumblebee land on it, he gently pet the bee, smiling wide as it seemed to give him thanks by nuzzling his finger. As the bee took off, Ponk looked up, enjoying the sunshine on his face, he was about to wave to the bee, but he heard a soft voice drift up to him, "Woah, you should really take your mask off more..." Ponk looked down in a panic, spotting Sam, who was looking back up at him, a soft smile gracing his normally tough features. Ponk didn't know what to say, someone had caught him without his mask, they saw how ugly he truly is. The young man hopped down from the branch and yanked his mask back on, concealing his face once more. He then blinked away the panic tears that had begun to form, "I'm sorry you had to see that..." Sam looked surprised, "What? Your enchanting face?" The phrase came out as more of a flirty one than he wanted, but he worked with it. Ponk shook his head, rubbing his eyes, trying to hold down the panic brewing within him. IT'S ALL LIES. A voice in his head was screaming at him, reminding him that he was ugly, unwanted, a monster. Ponk felt a gentle hand fall onto his shoulder as he was turning away, "Hey... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable..." Sam said, frowning. "I-It's not th-that." Ponk sniffed, hiding his face in his hands. "Then what is it?" Sam asked softly, guiding Ponk to the base of the lemon tree and sitting down with him, "Y-You saw my face... my scars... you saw how ugly I am... I didn't w-want anyone to see..." Sam engulfed Ponk in a soft hug, "Aww, you're not ugly, you're the most handsome guy I know... and that face of yours is absolutely stunning. And in the end, your scars makes you who you are, they each tell a story. Maybe not always good ones, but they helped you become who you are today..." Ponk sniffed, hugging Sam back and burying his head in the taller's shoulder, beginning to sob. Sam just rubbed his back slowly and reassuringly, helping the shorter calm down. When he calmed down some, Ponk pulled away from the hug, "I'm just so... e-embarrassed... I want to forget my past..." Sam frowned, shaking his head, "Your past is something you cannot let harm you anymore. It's done and over with. As an example of this, I always used to wear my gas mask all the time and only eat in private to hide this," The taller male opened his mouth, unhinging his jaw and showing off the painful looking slits that lined his cheeks on both sides of his mouth, it was something normal creepers had, but seeing it on a human... well, humanoid... it was unnerving... when Sam closed his mouth once more, he continued, "It's not always something we're proud of, be it due to where we came from or what we did... it can't be changed and should be remembered so you can use it to benefit yourself in the future." Ponk nodded, taking in everything Sam was saying. "Though you're ashamed of your scars, or how you got them, you can't make them go away... Personally, I find them pretty... They accent your eyes and give you a mesmerizing look that entrances anyone who looks at you... Don't hide your beauty..." whilst talking, Sam had brought his face closer to Ponk's, closing the gap between them slowly, though it was mainly so Ponk could understand what Sam was saying, Ponk took the opportunity and kissed Sam on the nose, smiling softly, "Thank you..." the shorter replied quietly, looking deep into Sam's eyes. "Any time." Sam ended the short sentence with a warm smile. The two stood up and looked at the landscape before them. Ponk gently intertwined his hand with Sam's, enjoying the sweet moment, "Would you like to hang out here with me? You're welcome to at any time." Sam smiled, "I would love to, especially if I get to learn more about you, since we've only know each other a few weeks."

It was practically love at first sight, though neither acknowledged it and they took everything very slow. They didn't even realize they were falling for each other until two years after this event. And this moment was ever present in their minds as they grew together and grew closer.

"Ponkie! I got you something!" Sam exclaimed, jogging over to his partner, who was picking lemons from a tree. Ponk turned to face Sam, smiling softly, "You didn't have to," Sam huffed, handing him a small bag, "Of course I did!" Ponk slowly opened the bag, revealing a face mask that had the same pattern as his ski mask, but it was custom made for him to adjust where and what it covered. "I..." Ponk trailed off, staring at the cloth in his hands, "Sam, I'm speechless... thank you..." Sam smiled at the response, "Any time." Ponk set the bag and mask down and gave Sam a tight hug, gripping the back of the taller's shirt, "This means so much to me... Thank you so much Sam," Sam gently ruffled his hair, "You're welcome, I would do anything for you." Ponk sniffled, burying his face into Sam's shoulder, tears beginning to trail down his cheeks. Sam rubbed the shorter's back, understanding he had been through a lot and never let his emotions show, Sam was like a comfort zone for him, and he knew that. He let Ponk cry his poor eyes out so he would feel better, and he was there for him the whole time.

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