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Warnings: angst


"What about those sleepless nights? Those intimate moments and conversations? Didn't those mean something to you? Didn't I mean something to you?" The desperation, pain, and sorrow dripped from his shaky voice like dew dripped from a blade of grass in the early morning. There was a pause. "Please, Sam, say something... anything... this silence, this... this ignorance! It's- it's killing me! Please..." the dull thud of the smaller's knees hitting the ground was all that was heard in the silent room, now accompanied by soft sniffs and hiccups produced by the same person. "They did at a time," came the soft reply, "but they no longer mean anything to me, not now that you're off running around with and chasing that- that foolish god... I trusted you, Ponk. I trusted you to stay loyal, I trusted you to come home to me at night, I trusted you to be by my side, I trusted you with my entire being, I trusted you to not break my heart... but look what you did." The tone he used now was sharp, like the knife that skins the animal. "If you love that god so much then stay with him, I don't want your unloyal stench clogging up my nose every time I come home. I don't want your disloyalty anywhere near me." The harsh words slipped from his mouth before he could even find the correct words to say. They just came out in a jumbled and fiery mess. The smaller of the two was on his feet once more, a mess of tears streaming down his face and being soaked up by the mask he wore. The other in the room wore nothing but an ice cold glare upon his face, smoke billowing from his mouth as he spoke and a faint hissing could also be heard emanating from deep within him. Ponk bolted from the house shortly after Sam had said his part, bumbling his way into the arms of his secret lover and crying his poor heart out. Whereas, the warden only held that cold look on his face until the tears that threatened to fall, slipped down his cheeks like the current of a river in the early spring as the ice thaws. Sam's erratic breathing was accented by the pattern of smoke that spewed forth from his nose and mouth, it looked as if he was burning from the inside out, as if he were dying.

The one he loved had someone to run to, someone to hold him close and give him comfort, but the warden himself had no one but his dog, his oh, so loyal dog. Fran's ears laid flat as she nuzzled her muzzle against Sam's side, trying to get him to react, trying to get him to move other than the shudders that wracked his body. After what seemed like hours of bugging him, Sam gently, and slowly, wrapped his arms around Fran, enveloping her in a warm hug laced with tears of agony. A soft whine came from Fran as she looked up worriedly at her owner, her best friend's, tear stained face, she gently licked his face, her tail wagging slowly as she hoped it would cheer him up. Fran only stopped when Sam gently pushed her away, a ghost of a smile dashing his face, "Thank you, Fran... it means a lot," he sounded worn out, worn down, and defeated, his ears laying flat against his head. Fran laid down in Sam's lap, her tail wagging as he absentmindedly pet her, "What went wrong? Was I not enough? Did I drive him away?" There was a short pause, a slight hesitation, "Maybe he never cared anyways... you seem to be the only one who cares for me." The dog and owner stared into each other's eyes for a short time before Fran broke the eye contact to sit up and lick Sam's face once more, causing the warden to smile softly and even laugh a little.

"I mean... he- he- he isn't the same anymore... he's not the man I loved all those months ago..." the confession finally left his mouth as he stared at his hands, which were folded neatly in his lap. "Ah, I see, so that's why I'm your next best option? I'm more... interesting?" The god smirked, winking as he said that. Ponk sighed in defeat, "This isn't a joking matter, Foolish... this should never have happened... we should never have happened.... it was all a mistake, my mistake..." "What do you mean we're a mistake? You mean so much to me... I meant so much to you... wait, it's Sam, isn't it? He's the cause of this sudden change of heart, right? It's not me? Right...?" Ponk avoided eye contact, not being able to figure out the jumbled mess that was his mind. "Please, Ponk..." the words were only met with silence as Ponk rose from his spot and walked out of the house, needing to clear his head, needing to get his thoughts straight. Little did he know, he had no one to turn to now in his time of need, he was truly alone. As he reached the edge of the desert, Ponk looked back towards the temple in the distance, now far behind him, before sighing softly and continuing to walk away.

Your silence is everything.

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