¤ Lonely Eyes ¤

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Warnings: slight angst?, fluff

Based off of Lonely Eyes by Lauv (:


She was sixteen the first time she had her heart broken. Truth is, I've never had mine.

Ponk was curled up in his bed, sobbing his poor little heart out, he was still in high school, only sixteen. The poor boy had had his heart broken by the guy he had thought was "The One". The nearly platinum blonde shifted under his covers, pulling them tighter around him when he heard someone enter his room. He felt a soft and gentle hand touch his side, it was reassuring, he knew it was probably his mother, but he didn't say anything, he just continued to sniffle and sob.

Now she goes on vacation in expensive places, to get away from her mind.

Ponk and his family had gone on various vacations after he turned 17, he paid for most of them, happy to do so with the money he gained from his job. The boy then began travelling on his own, he enjoyed the peace and serenity of just driving some times, especially in places he didn't know. When he was a senior, everything seemed to change, he met new people it seemed every day. One of them he took interest in was Sam, one of the newest arrivals, he seemed like a loner, but he was always so kind to everyone you'd think he did so just to avoid being bullied, but he did it out of pure kindness.

I don't mean to be rude. There's things in myself that I see in you.

Ponk was walking down the halls, heading to his second hour class, he passed Sam in the hall, who gave him a lopsided smile. Ponk smiled back, finally noticing just how tall Sam was, he was a giant. When he reached his second hour class, his thoughts began to wander, and soon enough, the bell rang, dismissing them to third hour and later on, lunch. During lunch, Ponk sat with his friends, he noticed Sam sitting alone at a table that was against the far wall of the cafeteria. When Sam looked up and met his gaze, time seemed to freeze.

Lonely eyes, she had those lonely eyes. I only know 'cause I have them too. Lonely eyes, no, you don't have to hide the things you feel inside, I feel too.

Sam saw the look in Ponk's eyes, a deep yearning he recognized that he himself had felt a million times. A deep yearning he recognized as loneliness. Sam stood up and walked over to Ponk's table, not surprisingly, all of his friends had left, leaving Ponk alone. "May I sit with you?" Sam asked, his voice deep and soft like silk. Ponk only nodded, seeming to choke on words.

'Cause I'm lonely just like you
'Cause I'm lonely just like you.

Sam gave Ponk another lopsided smile as he sat down beside him, "Thanks." Ponk nodded again, averting his gaze. "Oh! I never introduced myself, I'm sorry," Sam started, scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment, "My name is Sam, nice to meet you... uh..." he trailed off, his hand floating in the space between him and Ponk, he didn't know the other's name. "Ponk." The shorter replied simply, taking Sam's hand in his own and shaking it, "It's a pleasure to meet you." He giggled slightly at the way he said it, and at the way Sam's face was suddenly dusted with a hint of red. The two began to talk, enjoying each other's company.

Bask in all of the silence in between our eyelids where you are, I'm right there too.
We might speak different languages and we might have differences, but where you are, I'm right there too.

The duo had become best friends quickly, spending a lot of time together, studying over night at each other's houses, going on late night walks just to talk, and many more things. Sam was now laying on his stomach on Ponk's bedroom floor, waiting for the shorter to return with his notes, which he left in his backpack. When Ponk entered the room, Sam smiled lazily, "Welcome back, Ponkie." He said softly, his eyes taking in every bit of Ponk's face, even the bright red blush covering most of it. "What was that nickname?!" Ponk blurted out, flustered, "Ponkie. That's what it was!" Sam laughed, giving his famous lopsided smile. The two joked around for a while before continuing their homework.

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