¡! Legend !¡ [3]

121 3 0

Warnings: fluff, romance 😳, very slight angst


After another long day of studying Sam's work, Ponk yawned, cracking his neck as he walked behind the taller. "Are you tired?" Sam asked, pausing. Ponk just nodded quietly, rubbing his face. "I know how to cure that!" Sam said, smiling. The taller male bent down a little, "Climb on my back, I'll carry you, you can sleep." Ponk laughed softly, shaking his head, thinking he was joking, "No, seriously, I'll carry you." That made up his mind for him. Ponk climbed onto Sam's back, resting his head on the taller's shoulder, "Thank you, Sammy..." he murmured sleepily. Sam chuckled softly, continuing his way to where he was heading, humming a soft tune to pass the time as Ponk fell asleep. The duo had formed an odd bond within the few days (nearly week) they had known eachother, it was either the fact that they were spirits, or the fact that they had never lived in a human society. Every night now, Ponk would wrap his arms around Sam's torso, pulling himself as close to the other as possible, enjoying the warmth and the company. Sam on the other hand, showed his affection by placing small kisses on Ponk's forehead and occasionally cheek any chance he got. Neither of the two necessarily intended for their actions to be taken romantically, but they continued to do as they pleased, holding hands as they walked, cuddling, and many other normally romantic gestures. But it all came crashing to an end, when one day, Ponk called Sam over to a clearing. He was knelt down, inspecting something when Sam arrived, "What is it, Ponk?" Ponk giggled, "Kneel down beside me and I'll show you." Sam did so, leaning closer to the smaller. Ponk looked to Sam, "Alright," he scooted himself so he was directly facing Sam. "I need to tell you something..." the smaller lifted his two hands and gently placed them on either side of Sam's face, caressing it, "I... I think you're very beautiful... I mean, handsome... well, in reality, you're everything good..." Ponk stood on his knees, leveling himself with Sam, "I think I've enjoyed this time a little too much... I love it any time you touch me, even just the brush of your hand..." the two began to slowly close the space between them without realizing it. "I think..." "I love you..." Sam finished Ponk's sentence for him before closing the small gap and gently pressing his lips against Ponk's. Ponk's hands softly intertwined themselves with Sam's hair, a smile blossoming on his lips as the kiss deepened and Sam slowly pulled them to the ground. After a few moments, the two broke apart, both of them smiling and blushing messes as they smiled brightly, laughing softly. "I've never experienced anything like this before... it's nice..." Sam spoke, moving from his back to his side so he was facing Ponk. Ponk did the same, smiling softly, "It's very nice..." Sam then gently pressed his forehead against Ponk's, the two of them revelling in each other's company and love. "Who knew... I originally came here to study you, your work, and make sure you weren't being worshipped as a god... and now here we are... totally head over heels for each other..." Ponk laughed softly, placing a hand on Sam's cheek. Sam smiled softly, placing his hand atop Ponk's and squeezing it gently. "Yeah..." The two laid there for a while longer, just looking at each other fondly.

At the week's end, Ponk had originally planned on leaving back to his home, but now, he didn't want to. "Well, you could always just stay here..." Sam suggested, a hint of begging in his tone. "And leave my home unattended to? I can't just do that..." "Well... what if we were to..." Sam trailed off, not wanting to seem as if he were forcing this upon his lover, "It's not necessarily the smartest choice on a whim... but what if we were to... marry...? We could then effectively combine our two 'realms' without breaking any laws, we could live together, we could spend the rest of eternity together! But... if you don't want to, we don't have to..." Ponk smiled sadly, wrapping Sam in a tight hug, "I don't think we should make that commitment just yet... but I don't want to leave you..." Sam frowned, placing a gentle kiss on Ponk's head and holding him tight, "I don't want you to leave me either... we'll find a way... even if it takes the next four thousand years... we will find a way..." Sam and Ponk just stood there silently, holding one another close and dreading the future, hoping their hug would delay it just a little longer...


Aha, sorry this one is short, I just felt that the right way to end it (:<

Anywho, I may just have more writing time on my hands now since I've been home with a fever for the past... week now? Long time 😬 but yeah, I'm really enjoying writing this so far 😳

You can guess the possible outcomes in the comments if you want! 👍

Have a great day/night 💖

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