The Last day

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Name: Kadence
Age: 18
Element: Water

"HELLO!" I yelled as I banged my bound hands on the bars to my cell. "LET ME OUT!" I swiftly jumped in the air and slammed my shackled feet against the cool metal and fell straight on my butt. A stinging sensation coursed through my legs and up my spine. I hissed in pain. Okay, not your brightest idea, Kadence. "I know you can hear me!" My throat was raw from all the yelling I had been doing this evening.

I slowly got to my feet and stared at my cell door. I had been trapped down here for what was starting to feel like forever. Sighing, I turned on my heel and sat on my cot. It was not the most comfortable bed, but it was better than sleeping on the floor. Trust me, I tested the theory. As I lay back on my cot and stare at the metal ceiling of my prison cell, I began to think of my family. A shaky sigh escaped my lips. I missed them dearly, even though they annoyed me to no ends some days. Our last day together played through my mind.

I had just finished folding the last bit of laundry. As I stepped out of the hut to see that Sokka and Katara had yet to return from their fishing trip. The cool air kissed my cheeks, giving my tan skin a light pink hue. I hugged my cloak tighter around my body as I walked towards the center of the village.

"Hi, Kadence!" Kumi called from the opening of her hut. She was one of my mother's best friends in the village. Her son was currently off in battle with my father.

"Kumi, hi!" I walked closer to her. "You haven't seen Sokka and Katara anywhere, have you?"

She shook her head, allowing some of her dark hair to fall in her face. She was a very beautiful woman. She had dark brown eyes and a slim face with high cheekbones. She reminded me greatly of my mother. Strong yet nurturing and kind. When mother died, Kumi and the rest of the village helped Gran-Gran raise the three of us.

I thanked Kumi and walked further through the village. It was not unlike Sokka and Katara to be late. However, it was starting to get dark, and the ocean can be unforgiving the later it gets. By the time I realized where I was walking, I was at the edge of the water. The tips of my moccasins barely brushed off the edge of the ice I was standing on. I wrung my gloved hands as I looked out over the horizon and saw the sun was setting, still no sign of my siblings.

Sighing, I decided to practice my water bending. As I took a deep breath in, I closed my eyes, allowing myself to listen to the sounds of the waves gently slapping against the ice. Breathing out, I pushed my hands down and then out, creating a rift between the flow of the waves. Opening my eyes, I pulled my hands up slow and concentrated on pulling up as much water as I could. The higher I pulled my hands, the larger the water became. Before losing the strength to hold it, I quickly sliced my hands down, cutting the water down. A light mist sprayed my exposed skin.

Water bending was a natural occurrent for me, I never struggled much with the element. I viewed it as an extension of myself, not something that was separate from me. My sister Katara and I were the last two water benders left in the South Pole.

The smell of sea salt filled my senses. I pulled a line of water up and began to wrap it like a ribbon around my body. Water bending was like doing a dance. It was a multitude of fluid motions and though it could be tied to emotions, it was best to concentrate on the feeling of the water flowing rather than the feelings within oneself. It allowed for more control.

My concentration was broken as I caught a glimpse of a large mass moving towards me. The water that was suspended around me crashed against the ice-y surface beneath my feet. Stepping backward, I stumbled away as the thing came into view. At first, I thought it was a large piece of drifting ice, but as it got closer I could see what it was. A giant floating... bison?

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