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The waxing moon hovered in the night sky, it was almost full. I could feel the energy in the woods around me as the group sat around the campfire telling scary stories. Appa was fast asleep inside a nearby cave. I leaned against the gnarled twisted tree as I listened to Sokka. I yawned as he finished his tale, it wasn't that scary. Rolling my eyes, I looked over to Katara and nodded at her. Katara was an amazing storyteller, always able to twist the tale to make you feel like it was real.

"No, it happened to mom," Katara shot down Sokka's rude question. "One winter, when mom was a girl, a snowstorm buried the whole village for weeks. A month later, Mom realized she hadn't seen her friend Nini since the storm. So mom and some others went to check on Nini's family. When they got there, no one was home, just a fire flickering in the fireplace. While the men went out to search, mom stayed in the house. When she was a long she heard a voice," she picked her pitch up, "'It's so cold and I can't get warm," she dropped her tone once more, "Mom turned and saw Nini standing by the fire. She was blue like she was frozen. Mom ran outside for help, but.. when everyone came back, Nini was gone."

I shivered at her tale.

"Where'd she go?" Sokka asked leaning in.

"No one knows. Nini's house stands empty to this day. But sometimes, people see smoke coming up from the chimney-like little Nini is still trying to get warm," a slow smile built on Katara's features as she took in our faces.

Toph gasped and placed her palm on the ground.

"Wait, guys, did you hear that? I hear people under the mountain and they're screaming," Toph exclaimed, a worried expression on her face.

I looked at her aghast as the other three huddled together in fear. Sokka regained his composure, trying to seem tough. Toph tried to convince us that she really did hear something, but none of us believed her. Suddenly, the screaming in Toph's ears stopped.

"Hello, children," an old lady's voice broke through the darkness causing us to jump. "Sorry, to frighten you," she apologized as she stepped into the firelight. Her long white hair framed her face. Her lips were wrinkly and she hunched over slightly. "My name is Hama. You children shouldn't be out in the forest by yourselves at night. I have an inn nearby, why don't you come back there for some spiced tea and warm beds?"

We jumped at the offer. The lady smiled at us and began to walk away. She led us to a village that was placed on a steep slope. At the top resided the inn resided. I slowly made my way up the hill, careful to keep my head low. The kind woman opened the door to the place and ushered us inside.

We grouped around a small square table, Katara and I shared a seat. Our frames smushed together as Hama poured us a hot cup of tea. I thanked her with a smile and held the warm cup in my hands, relishing the feeling.

"Thanks for letting us stay here tonight. You have a lovely inn." Katara commented as Hama poured her cup of tea.

"Aren't you sweet?" Hama smiled. "You know, you should be careful. People have been disappearing in those woods you were camping in."

"What do you mean, disappearing?" Sokka asked inquisitively.

"When the moon turns full," Hama spoke ominously, "people walk in, and they don't come out... Who wants more tea?" She asked as if she hadn't told us something awful. "Don't worry; you'll all be completely safe here. Why don't I show you to your rooms, and you can get a good night's rest?"

Katara and I pushed away from the table and followed the old woman down the hall. She opened a door for me and Katara and bid us goodnight before showing the rest of the group to their rooms. I shrugged my shoulders and stepped inside.

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