Crossroad of Destiny

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We spent the rest of that day trying to convince the Earth King to believe we were telling the truth about the war, the Dai Li and Long Feng. He eventually came around and threw Long Feng in jail. General How, a man in his forties informed us that Long Feng had been keeping information from us. Once he gave us the letter from our father, Katara and I decided Sokka should go. He was grateful for our understanding. Aang was heading off to an Air Temple to meet with a Guru to help him with the Avatar State. While Toph was going to see her mother, who was in the city. On top of all that, the Kyoshi Warriors had made it into the Earth Kingdom and were going to assist us and guard the king.

Katara, Momo, and I sat in on the meeting with General How. Katara tried making light of the situation as the General told us the plan, especially when Momo knocked over the pieces on the map. The man handed us the scrolls to be signed by the Earth King. We took them and quickly started making our way back to the palace.

I was quiet as we made our way through the streets. We walked into a large square in the upper ring. People walked around the streets like they hadn't a care in the world. I was jealous of their easy life. Not having to worry, must have felt nice.

The buzz of chatter filled my ears as we approached the entrance to a tea shop. The Jasmine Dragon. I breathed in the delicious scent of tea as it wafted through the air. I looked at Katara and nodded my head toward the establishment. She smiled and looked up at the small creature perched on her shoulder.

"What do you say Momo? A cup of tea before we get back to the king?" The animal cooed and Katara turned her feet in the direction of the place. "Table for three please."

The girl at the podium smiled as she jotted the information down. She turned away from us and looked over the crowd for an open table. The establishment was beautifully decorated in hues of pink, purple, green, and blue. Fresh flowers were perched on the windowsill.

"Uncle, I need two jasmines, one green, and one lychee!" Zuko's voice called back to his uncle.

My eyes widened in horror. The last time I had seen Zuko was in the lower ring. Katara's fingers latched onto my wrist in fright, but I didn't take my eyes off Zuko.

"I'm brewing as fast as I can!" His uncle laughed over his shoulder.

Zuko's body turned and he leaned against the counter. His golden eyes traveled over the room, but stopped when he saw me. A lazy smile rested on his lips as he gazed at me. My mouth twitched but I fought the urge to smile back. He looked different, relaxed... happy. His eyes widened as he realized Katara was by my side. Before I could do anything, Katara had tugged my arm harshly and pulled me away from the establishment. She tugged my arm and I stumbled after her.

"Katara!" I groaned, trying to release myself from her grip.

"We have to tell the Earth King," she yelled, still pulling me along.

"Katara, stop!" I yelled and forcefully pulled my arm out of her hand.

My sister whirled around to face me and looked at me with a confused gaze.

"We have to tell him Zuko is-"

"I know about Zuko!" I yelled, throwing my arms in the air in frustration.

"You – what?" She gasped.

"I know about Zuko and his uncle... I've known for weeks." I sighed, ashamed I hadn't told her sooner.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Katara whispered, hurt by my actions.

"Because – because he promised not to come after us. And he's kept his word!" I pointed back at the establishment that was at least a mile away.

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