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"That's insane," I commented to the group as sat on the ash that covered Avatar Roku's home.

"It's like these people are born bad," Toph scoffed.

"No, that's wrong." Aang chimed. "I don't think that was the point of what Roku showed me at all."

"Then, what was the point?" Sokka asked, confused by the boy's statement.

"Roku was just as much Fire Nation as Sozin was, right?" Aang asked the rhetorical question and continued. "If anything, their story proves anyone's capable of great good and great evil. Everyone, even the Fire Lord and the Fire Nation have to be treated like they're worth giving a chance..." Zuko flashed through my mind, I gave him a chance, and he turned against me. "And I also think it was about friendships."

"Do you really think friendships can last more than one lifetime?" Toph asked dreamily.

"I don't see why not," Aang smiled grabbing the girl's hand.

I smiled at the boy and grabbed Toph's other hand, while Katara took hold of Aang's free hand. Sokka stroked his face in thought.

"Well, scientifically speaking, there's no way to prove that-"

"Oh, Sokka," Katara interrupted, annoyed with Sokka's science and reason. "Just hold hands."

Sokka stopped talking, and without moving, he thrust out his hand and held Katara's. We looked out to the ocean as one collective group, solidifying our unity. After a moment of peace, we released each other and boarded Appa. We flew away from Roku's home and began our journey into another Fire Nation Village.

We camped out on the outskirts of the town. Our place was rested by a large river and was covered by surrounding cliffsides. Aang wrapped his headband that hid his arrow around his eyes. I looked down at my outfit as the rest got ready to train. The outfit matched almost exactly what I found in the Earth Kingdom, only this time it was red. Sighing, I removed the sheer skirt from around my waist and tied my hair on top of my head. My braids had been removed weeks ago. My hair flowed around me as I took my place.

Aang assumed a fighting stance, stomping his foot on the ground. Toph bent several columns in his direction. The airbender dodged them with ease. Katara attacked with a water whip, Aang evaded her as well, while simultaneously hurling a boulder at Toph. The girl caught it in her clutches.

"Good job, twinkle-toes." I chuckled at the nickname Toph had lovingly given Aang. "Visualize – the attack!"

She propelled the boulder back to Aang, who corkscrewed into the ground to avoid it. Unfortunately for Katara, the boulder was sent toward her, slamming straight into her chest. Her body hit the ground with a thud, and I cringed at the impact.

"Maybe you should take your own advice, Toph," Katara grumbled angrily.

"What's the matter? Can't handle some dirt, Madame Fussy Britches?" Toph replied obnoxiously.

"Girls!" I scolded as they began blasting each other with attacks.

"Are we taking a break?" Aang asked still blindfolded.

"Yaaaaahhh, sneak attack!" Sokka hollered rushing toward Aang.

Aang bent a column of rock in his path and removed his blindfold.

"Sokka, sneak attacks don't work if you yell it out loud," Aang informed.

Taking my advantage, I whipped water at the back of the young airbender and shoved him over.

"See, now that's a good sneak attack!" Aang laughed.

I turned my attention away from the boy and watched as Katara and Toph wrestled in a pool of mud.

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