The Northern Water Tribe

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Traveling to the North Pole was starting to become an even bigger task than I had imagined. I wasn't used to sitting still for so long. In the South Pole, I had a routine. I would wake at the crack of dawn, do my chores, help around the village, then I would go off and practice my hand-to-hand combat along with some waterbending. Traveling had ruined that routine.

My limbs ached to be moved as I lay sprawled out on Appa's saddle. I rolled my body over as I heard Sokka complain about Appa flying faster and pushed myself up to stand. Stretching my arms over my head, I fell into a backbend and stood on my toes as I walked over, careful to keep my balance on the floating bison. As I stood, I noticed we were starting to fly lower and lower, closer to the valley of ice below.

"I have an idea, why don't we all climb on your back, and you can fly us to the North Pole?" Aang growled angrily at Sokka.

"I'd love to!" Sokka shot back. "Climb on everyone," Sokka wiggled his butt, "Sokka's ready for takeoff!"

"Guys, settle down," I sighed and rested my hand on Sokka's shoulder. "We're just tired and cranky."

"Yeah, we've been flying for two days straight." Katara hummed as she patted Appa on the side.

"And for what! We can't even find the Northern Water Tribe. There's nothing up here!" Sokka complained.

Suddenly, a noise caught my attention. Looking ahead the ice began to move rapidly toward Appa. Aang yelled as he pulled on the reigns, starboard. Appa banked right and avoided the ice, but we almost tipped over the edge of the saddle. Screaming as I fell through the air, I gripped the edge of the saddle for dear life. Roaring, Appa banked left. I slammed into the animal's fur. Coughing as the fur clung to my tongue, I was surprised as something shot from below the beast.

Appa spun out of control and slammed into the water. The icy liquid soaked my clothes as I gripped the saddle tighter. Whipping my head around me, trying to catch sight of anything, I saw several ornate wooden skiffs slip through the icebergs and surround Appa. The people on the ship wore water tribe garb. I basked at the sight.

"They're waterbenders! We found the Water Tribe!" Katara cheered.

Sokka groaned in annoyance at our sibligns excitement. The ships moved closer as the men moved the water. The head vessel approached and a man with weathered skin peered down at us, demanding to know who we were.

"We're from the Southern Water Tribe," Sokka called out. "I'm Sokka and these are my sisters Kadence," I waved as I pulled my soaking wet body onto the saddle. "And Katara. We're here with the Avatar.

Shock washed over the man's face as he gazed at Aang. The man bowed to us and whispered something in the warrior's ear. The warrior bowed before departing down the ship.

"Welcome brothers and sisters. Please, follow us."

The ships began to turn around us and led us out of the valley of ice. Appa graciously swan through the water, pulling us along. Bored, Aang jumped into the water below and began swimming alongside the boats. His laughter filled with freezing air.

"THERE IT IS!" Aang called out as he jumped back into Appa's saddle.

Looking ahead, my heart grew with awe and wonder. There, at the edge of the ice, stood the city walls. Waterbenders stood on top, moving in perfect sync. Their bodies moving like a machine. The wall slowly fell into the depths below as we approached on Appa. A man motioned for Appa to follow, and the beast did. Once inside, the wall closed behind us, surrounding us with walls of snow on all four sides. The benders open sluice gates and began to flood the lower level where we sat with water. Our bodies began to rise until we were at the main level of the city.

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