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Author's note: Hi! I wanted to warn my readers that I am skipping a few parts of Book 2 because, personally, they are too slow for me to get through, and I want to get to Ba Sing Se. ENJOY! Also, let me know what you think – I love feedback!

That night we slept at the camp, then early the next morning we said our goodbyes to the people we had met and left. We traveled through the village from which Kyoshi Island was separated. The townspeople wanted to boil Aang in oil for his past life's crime, but a group, known as The Rough Rhinos blasted through, changing Aang's sentence to community service. The men were run out of town, saving the village from being claimed by the Fire Lord.

After that we ventured to another town and found Aang's earthbending teacher; a girl named Toph. She was small but strong. We found her at a competition called Earth Rumble 6. Katara and I... convinced two boys to tell us where to find this competition. Toph was competing under the name "The Blind Bandit". The name fit her well, considering she was actually blind. Her dark black hair framed her face, blocking most of her eyes that were a muted green with a milky coated on top.

After discovering where the young girl lived, we found out that she was the daughter of a wealthy family that kept her locked up, away from danger. That night, Aang and Toph were taken for ransom, the man who ran the event thought we had cheated him. They gave Toph back for the money but kept Aang. Katara convinced Toph to fight. She won the standoff with the men and we got Aang back.

Her father said that she would be locked away for a while, thinking he gave her too much freedom because her bending was so powerful. However, Toph ended up traveling with us. Stating her parents changed their minds, I had my suspicions about this, but I let them go as Aang finally had an earthbending teacher who waited and listened.

Traveling with a new person was proving to be difficult. Toph did not like pulling her own weight around camp and Appa was shedding. There was enough for me to make ten fur coats... or more. Picking the fur off me, I helped Katara set up camp while Toph sat in her earth-made hut. She and Toph were butting heads, I tried to be helpful, but they just yelled at me.

Sighing, I rested myself in my bag under the stars. The night starts twinkled down from above. Closing my eyes, I breathed in a heavy sigh before falling asleep.

I think I slept for two minutes before I was woken up by Toph's yelling. She stated that she felt something coming toward us. Like an avalanche... only not an avalanche, whatever that means. Sokka didn't believe her, but we decided to leave. Packing up our stuff, we quickly boarded Appa and took off.

Glancing over the side, I peered down at the dark ground. In the distance, a vehicle was moving in the distance, kicking up large amounts of dirt in its wake.

"What is that thing?" Katara asked over my shoulder.

I shrugged my shoulders at her and turned to face ahead of me, whatever that thing was, I didn't want to find out. The wind blew through my hair that fell down my back from my ponytail. I shivered in the night air. Sokka was falling in and out of sleep. His eyes drooping before him. I fought against my exhaustion and kept my eyes on the sky ahead.

Appa began to descend slowly. Jumping off his back, I slipped onto the ground and took the sleeping bags from Katara. Toph hopped off the back of Appa and sprawled out on the ground, thankful to be on the earth again. She slung her bag over her shoulder and wished us goodnight. I looked incredulously at the girl as the rest of the group unpacked the belongings.

"Excuse me?" I asked the small child. "Aren't you going to help?"

"Really? You need me to help unload Sokka's funky-smelling sleeping bag?" Toph asked facing me.

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