King Bumi

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              We had been traveling for a few days now. Currently flying to the city of Omashu. I've heard stories of earthbenders, but I had never actually met any. Living on a sheet of ice would do that to you. The air kissed my skin as we flew through the sky. Appa's low rumbles filling the air every now and again. The sun was shining and I was at peace.

As I moved to sit up, I hissed at the pain in my still raw wrist. The shackles did a number on my skin, but I didn't mind so much. Rubbing my sore wrists, I pushed my body against the saddle's hold and closed my eyes. Breathing a sigh of relief, I focused on the feeling of being weightless.

"Hey," Sokka grunted as he scooted next to me. "How ya feelin'?"

"Fine, why?" I asked, keeping my eyes shut.

"Well," Sokka paused, "you were gone awhile... they didn't... they didn't hurt you, did they?"

"Sokka," I sighed, opening my eyes. "I'm fine."

I looked into my brother's blue eyes with sincerity, but I could tell he didn't believe me. I was gone for a bit, captured by the Fire Nation. Glancing down at my wrists, I tried to suppress the memories of the cell I was locked in after my outburst.

"Okay," Sokka hummed, "I'm just glad you're back."

His large hand covered mine and gave it a gentle squeeze. Smiling at my brother, I gave him a reassuring smile. We began to mount over the crest of a small hill.

"The Earth Kingdom city of Omashu!" Aang cried, spreading his arms about him.

We descended on top of the valley and quickly climbed off Appa. I desperately needed to stretch my legs. As my feet touched solid ground, my mind flashed back to my flight from the ship. Kyoshi Island was my first taste of freedom. Being back on land, my instinct to run kicked in for a split second, but I stopped myself when I heard Aang laugh. Sighing in content, I hooked my fingers together and pulled them above my head, stretching back. My bones cracked and stretched. With a sigh of relief, I continued my descent back to the ground.

As my hands touched the dirt below, I pulled them away from each other, curling my fingers in the dirt. Slowly, I lifted my right leg and pulled my body over with a swift kick up. It'd been a while since I could stretch like this. Being chained would do that to you.

"I forgot how flexible you were," Katara chuckled as she walked over to me.

I placed my hands on my hips and twisted my body, cracking my back in full.

"I forgot what it was like to stretch like that," I laughed, but when I caught sight of my sister's face, I stopped. "Sorry."

"No, don't apologize." She whispered. "I'm sorry we left you. We –"

"Don't," I ordered sternly. "I told you to leave."

Katara nodded at me, but I knew she still felt awful. I walked over to her and pulled her short frame into me and gave her a gentle squeeze.

"Well, let's go slowpokes! The real fun is inside the city!" Aang called out.

The young boy launched himself in the air and landed further down the hill. I almost forgot how powerful his wind blasts were.

"Wait, Aang!" Katara called out to him. "It could be dangerous if people find out you're the Avatar."

"You need a disguise," Sokka stated.

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