Confessions and Combustion

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Aang had returned and was grateful to be with us. He apologized to us for running off, but he was happy to have us with him. We separated from our father as he went to find more allies for the invasion. We traveled through the Fire Nation in disguise. Aang got caught going to school and I think he really helped some of the kids learn about having fun. Katara held us up a few days. She pretended to be The Painted Lady to help a town that was ruined by the Fire Nation's pollution. Plus, Sokka found a master to teach him about the art of the sword. He blew our cover, but the man knew he wasn't Fire Nation. The master gave him a white lotus tile to remember him by... I'm still confused by that.

Anyway, we decided to take a break from traveling. We found this crater filled with water. It was surrounded by large rocks. It was nice to blow off some steam and get away for a bit. I was lounged out on the land, just feet from the water, letting the sun kiss my skin. I could not get Zuko off my mind. Everywhere I looked, I thought I saw him.

"Hey," Katara hummed as she rang water from her hair, "you okay?"

"Yeah," I lied.

"Lying!" Toph sang from her spot on a rock. I twisted my hand and whipped water at the girl, splashing her in the face. "Hey!"

"Wouldn't happen if you just kept your mouth shut," I grumbled.

"What's up?" Katara sat down next to me.

"It's really nothing, Katara." I sighed. "Nothing you need to concern yourself with anyway."

"Talk to me," she pleaded.

"It's... it's Zuko," I whispered, careful to keep my voice low as I sat up next to her. I peered at the glimmering water ahead. "I just... I can't get him off my mind... I know I should hate him... but I don't." Katara listened intently, but she didn't say a word. "I really fell for him in Ba Sing Se... I think I might even love him... but he chose his path, and I chose mine. I just... I didn't expect it to hurt this much."

"I'm sorry, Kadence," She hummed, trying to sound sympathetic. "Think of the bright side, now you can go back to the North Pole when this is all over and get with Nedek." She nudged my shoulder.

"Yeah... I guess," I sighed.

That night we set up camp. I fell asleep, dreaming of Zuko...

Zuko's POV

My father sent us away on a forced vacation to Ember Island so he could talk to his advisors alone. I started dating Mai pretty much as soon as I got back. She's great, but she's nothing compared to Kadence. Mai is so dull and lifeless. I care for her and I know she cares for me, but with Kadence... it was just different. When I kiss Mai, there's nothing there, no spark, no fire... no passion. Every time I kiss her, I think of Kadence. The way her lips felt against mine that night in Ba Sing Se.

Kadence is everything I could ever want. She's fun and spirited, but she's got this fire inside her. She tests me and pushes me to be better. When I saw that I had burned her the second time, I lost my will to fight for the Avatar. She looked so broken... because of me. I destroyed her, I went back on my promise, and for what? To be accepted back home? To disappoint my uncle so much that he hates me? What is wrong with me?

I threw my family's portrait on the fire. The flame consumed it, turning it to ashes. I glared at it, knowing we would never be a happy family.

"What are you doing?" Ty Lee asked.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" I growled.

"But it's a painting of your family..." she hummed.

"You think I care?" I yelled.

"I think you do." She told me honestly.

"You don't know me," I glowered at her, "so why don't you mind your own damn business!" I turned away from her, letting the heat of the fire kiss my back.

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