Kadence's Adventure in Ba Sing Se

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Part of me does not think we will ever go to a place and not run into trouble. Before we could even enter the city, we had to stop the Fire Nation from drilling through the outer city walls. General Sung tried to state he had the situation under control, he clearly didn't. We ran into the three girls from Omashu again, but they were too late to really stop us from causing damage to the vessel. That girl with the boring tone irks me in ways I cannot even begin to explain.

Anyway, we destroyed the drill and stopped it from breaking the city walls. Unfortunately, now we are being followed around by a woman who goes by the name of Joo Dee. She took us around the city, showing us the wonders of this vast palace-like place. The city was sectioned off into upper, middle, and lower rings. We were staying in the upper ring, being with the Avatar, we got the "special" treatment.

I rolled my eyes as Joo Dee led us around the city. I thought it was disgraceful that a place that is meant to be so wonderful, sectioned its citizens this way. On top of that, any time Sokka brought up a meeting with the king, she would change the topic immediately.

Well, our group did not sit well with the information given to us, so the girls snuck into a party at the palace. We got caught. A man, Long Feng, scolded us for our actions. Now, our every action was being watched by Dai Li agents. It was quite annoying actually. It seemed as if they were trying to control their citizens like Fire Nation controlled everything else. The craziest thing was, they switched our host to a different lady with the same name. Something about this place just did not sit right with me.

Currently, I was wandering around the different rings of the city. I had gone to the spa with Toph and Katara this morning for a much-needed girl's day out. It was nice getting to know the rough earthbender more intimately. I started to see her as another younger sister. She had it tough, but she knew how to have fun.

I slipped into a shop in the upper ring and began searching through a rack of clothes on the shelf. Finding a cute light green top, tight dark green pants, and beige flats, I slipped into a changing room. Glancing at myself in the mirror, I took in my figure. The sleeveless top supported my chest, as the sweetheart neckline outlined my bust. The pants hugged my hips allowing my curves to show. My mid-drift was exposed, revealing my toned abdomen.

Stepping out of the room, I glanced around for someone to assist me. Looking to my right, I saw a petite young woman making her way around the room, fixing the clothes on a display.

"Excuse me," I tapped her shoulder gently. The lady whirled around in a start. "Sorry, I just was wondering if you could help me."

"Oh, of course!" She smiled gently at me. Her eyes roamed down my frame as she tapped her finger to her chin. "Your outfit is missing something."

Without glancing back at me, the woman whisked around the room and grabbed different items before she returned to me. Before I could ask her any questions, she slipped a gold ring shaped like a crown on my middle finger and synched a sheer piece of forest green fabric with gold lace trim around my waist. I opened my mouth to speak, but she spun me around and tied a green ribbon in my hair along with a dangling piece of gold jewelry.

"That's better," she hummed to herself as she pushed me toward a floor-length mirror.

I gasped at the person standing before me. I looked like a gypsy. My hair was down and it flowed around my frame. The green ribbon was thick and held back some of my hair from my face. The golden jewelry jingled as I moved my head. The best part of the outfit was the sheer fabric. It flowed around me as I twisted my body.

"Thank you," I breathed. "How much –"

"Oh! Keep 'em, hun!" The woman brushed me off. "Anything for a friend of the Avatar's."

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