Invasion: Part I

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We left the Fire Nation Village to the rendezvous spot for the Black Sun: Invasion. After days of trying to get Aang to sleep, the boy finally let his worries drift away and fall into a deep slumber. I was currently dressing in my Water Tribe garb as Sokka looked over the maps with intense concentration. I glanced down at my clothes, my dress hung loosely on my frame indicating my loss of weight.

I hadn't been eating much since bloodbending Hama. It was the most intense feeling I had ever felt in my life. To have that kind of power over someone should be illegal. I shivered at the thought before securing my satchel over my shoulder and joined the group.

"Do you think that fog will delay the invasion?" Katara asked, looking over the horizon.

"No," Sokka smiled. "That is the invasion!"

Five Water Tribe ships broke through the fog. A smile crossed my features as I saw my home's transportation. I turned on my heel and rushed down toward the water. The wind licking my skin as I dashed across the shore.

The ships docked by the decks that Toph and Aang earthbended. The crew slowly departed. I ran along with the land and crushed my father in a hug. His arms immediately wrapped around me as my siblings joined us. The force of their bodies crashed into my back as they hugged our father. We let go of our father and stood in a small circle.

"You made it, dad!" Katara cried out of happiness.

"Were you able to locate everyone I told you to find?" Sokka asked him eagerly.

"I did, but I'm a little worried, Sokka," dad glanced behind him with an unsure expression at Due and Tho who were descending the ship in their leaf clothes. "Some of these men aren't exactly warrior type."

"Whoooo-wheee. This place ain't nothin' like a swamp!" Due shouted as looked around.

I chuckled at the simple man. They continued to survey the land and their intelligence showed... or lack thereof.

"Is it me or are those fellas a little loose in the leaf head?" dad asked skeptically.

"I just wish they would wear pants," Bato cringed as he walked to us.

"Pants are an illusion and so is death," Hue hummed scratching his belly.

I gave my dad a worried smile.

"Hi, Kadence!" A tenor voice sounded behind me

I ran up to the boy and crushed him in a hug.

"Haru!" I cried pulling away from him. "It's so good to see you. You've got facial hair!" I laughed as I looked at the mustache and soul patch that rested on his face.

"Toph, this is Haru," Aang introduced the two earthbenders. "When we met him his town was controlled by the Fire Nation. So he had to hide his earthbending."

"Kadence inspired me and my father," I blushed at Haru's compliment, "to take back our village."

"You helped us find our courage, Kadence," Tyro hummed as he rested his large hand on my shoulder. "Now, we're here to help you."

I smiled at the man before excusing myself. There were so many here that we had met on our travels. Hippo and The Boulder from Toph's village. Tyro and Haru. The swamp guys. The Southern Water Tribe. Theo and his father. The Duke and Pipsqueak.

Walking along the shore, I looked at the many people who were deboarding the ships. We were so close to tasting victory. My eyes wandered around as I looked at all the familiar faces. My eyes caught Bato as he walked up to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

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