The Boiling Rock

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The Fire Nation surrounded us and rounded up those who were left behind. For a week we were held at a prison near the Fire Nation palace. I ran into the other Kyoshi Warriors as I walked around the camp. The guards were careful to keep a close eye on me in the yard, but I never did anything. I kept my head down and any time I was in the yard, I made sure to keep close to my father.

I was currently chained in my cell. They pumped dry into my room and just like before, they bound my hands and feet any time I was given water. My leg was slowly healing and some of the guards weren't too bad.

I snapped my head up as a guard opened the cell to my door. Without a word, he unchained me from the wall. With a harsh tug, he dragged me out of my cell, literally. I flailed my body around, trying to get a grip on the floor to stand, but it was no use. He dragged my body down the metal hallway and into another room.

I groaned as he tossed my body through the door. Landing with a hard smack, I looked up and saw my father bending over me to lift me to my feet. As he steadied me, he studied my face to make sure I was okay. I gave him a weak smile before turning to face the guards.

They stood at attention. The room was silent and heavy as more men of our tribe were brought through the door. Slowly, the door opened and revealed a wicked-looking girl with amber eyes and dark hair. She peered around the room as she walked in. Her eyes scanning each face, each body. I shivered as her eyes landed on me. An evil smirk rested on her lips.

"Nice to see you again," she hummed amused at my state. "What is she doing here?" She turned to the guard nearest to her.

"She was with the rest when we captured them, Princess Azula." He informed her.

"Ahh, I see. Well, having her stay here, just won't do. I want her relocated to the Boiling Rock as soon as possible, along with the leader of this invasion." Azula ordered as she scanned the room for the leader. "Who would that be?"

Without question, my dad stepped forward, slightly ahead of the group now.

"That would be me," he said, showing no fear as the girl peered up at him.

Her eyes traveled from his figure to mine.

"Isn't that sweet? I mean, I can see the slight family resemblance. Although I'd count your blessings that you came out looking more like your mother than him," she sneered viciously. I kept my mouth shut. "Well, have a nice trip." She turned on her heel and turned to me, an evil gleam in her eyes. "I'll be sure to let Mai know that you'll be there. She's just dying to meet the girl, Zuzu left her for."

A pang ran through my heart and veins at the mention of Zuko. I dropped my head to my feet as she exited the room. The guards quickly seized my father and me. They lead us down the hall and out of the prison doors. My chains jingled around me as they walked me toward a large blimp. The man holding me quickly chained me to a wall inside the large flying machine. My father was secured next to me, along with a few other prisoners.

"You okay, sweetie?" My dad whispered next to me. I nodded my head but I did not meet his eye line. "Who's Mai?"

"Some moody girl who sighs a lot." I breathed in a low whisper. "I'm guessing she's Zuko's girlfriend, but I only know her as the girl who is very skilled with weaponry."

"Well, for your sake, I hope they don't allow weaponry inside this prison for visitors," my dad tried to joke.

"Somehow, I don't think I'm going to be that lucky." I sighed.

I settled myself next to my dad as the blimp took off. The ride was long and tiring, but I couldn't sleep. I didn't trust the people around me....

I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up, I was being hauled to my feet and pushed onto a rig that resided over a large body of water inside a volcano. The heat licked my skin as I sat down on the rig next to my father. Guards surrounded the prisoners. They stood tall and straight, their eyes traveled over the group looking for any sign of disobedience.

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