Friends Going to a Play

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When I woke, both Zuko and Katara were gone. Rain pelted down from the dark sky above. I flipped my body around frantically, looking in any direction they could have gone to. Snarling, I pushed myself away from Appa's saddle and jumped into the muddy ground below. The mud caked my clothes as I dashed off in a random direction.

I grumbled under my breath as I ran up the large hill and peered over the valley. Rain littered my view as I scoured the land for any sign of my two companions. Half way down the hill, I gasped as I saw smoke dissipating in the air. With all my might, I sprinted toward the smoke. My cheeks bouncing as I stumbled my way down the hill.

"She lied to you." I heard Katara state as I rounded the corner. "She was protecting the last waterbenders."

"What?" Yon Rha gasped. "Who?"

"ME!" She screamed as I approached.

I stopped just outside the water dome. Zuko pulled down his mask and looked up at my sister's power in awe. I pulled the water of the dome away slightly, allowing me an archway to walk out of the rain. I stood back as Katara whirled her arms around her and bent it into a large blob. She cried out as she thrust her arms forward. The water turned to icepicks, and they narrowed in on the man who killed our mother. I gasped as the man shut his eyes waiting for an impact that never came. Slowly, Yon Rha lifted his head as the icepicks paused inches from him. I sighed in relief as my sister turned the picks to water and sent it crashing on the man.

"I did a bad thing. I know I did and you deserve revenge," the man whimpered as he bent his head to look at the girl. "So why don't you take my mother? That would be fair."

"I always wondered what kind of person could do such a thing," Katara looked at him with pity as rain pelted our bodies. "But now that I see you, I think I understand," she stepped forward. "There's just nothing inside you. Nothing at all. You're pathetic and sad and empty."

"Please spare me," the old man pleaded.

"But as much as I hate you... I just can't do it."

Katara closed her eyes and took a deep breath before turning and walking away. The man smiled weakly at her retreating form, but I glared at him. He dropped his head down as I ran after my sister, Zuko close to my heels. As Zuko ran alongside me, I whipped water at him causing him to fall on his butt.

"What was that for?" Zuko asked, shocked by my sudden attack.

"Not waking me!" I growled at the boy on the ground.

"I'm sorry... Katara just thought-"

"I thought you would try to stop me," Katara whispered as she turned back to us. "I needed to do this... I needed to face him."

"I wasn't trying to stand in your way," I spoke just as softly. "I knew what was at stake coming along with you. I knew you needed to face him. I just didn't want you to do something you would end up regretting... and you didn't." I told her as gripped her arms in my hands. "I know it doesn't mean much coming from me, but mom..." I smiled, "she'd be so proud of you."

Katara gave me a soft smile before enveloping me in a hug. I slowly pulled away from her and we walked arm and arm back toward Appa. I shivered next to her as the rain coated my skin. Slowly, I climbed onto Appa's head and grabbed the reigns. Zuko and Katara settled into the saddle and we took off.

The rain pelted my eyes and cheeks. Soaring through the air, I shivered once more. My teeth began to chatter as little goosebumps coated my arms. A warmth washed over me from behind. A content sigh passed my lips and I slowly settled into it. My teeth began to rest as the warmth kissed my skin. I almost completely relaxed when my back collided with a toned chest and strong hands rested on my shoulders. Jumping slightly, I spun around and saw Zuko.

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