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We journeyed from the small village for a few days. Appa was growing tired from carrying all of us so we decided to land in a small forest, just beyond the shore. The smell of the ocean filled my senses. The air was cold and I shivered as it made its way through the trees. I wanted to rush forward and hit the stand with all my might, bounding toward the water, but I didn't. I stayed with my family.

"Hey look!" Aang hollered. "A sword made out of a whale's tooth!"

"Lemme see that." Sokka bounded over to Aang and took the blade from his hands. Sokka twirled the sword in his hands and inspected it closely as I approached him. "This is a water tribe weapon," a look of surprise flashed over Sokka's face as he turned to face Aang. "Se if you can find anything else."

The three of us began searching the area for any other signs of the water tribe. I neared the shore and pushed aside some bushes as Katara approached from behind. She asked if we had lost something, but I shook my head at her and continued to search. Nearing Sokka, I saw he held a burned arrow in his hands.

"There was a battle. Water tribe warriors ambushed a group of firebenders," there was a coldness to Sokka's voice. Sokka tossed the arrow aside and began making his way downhill, toward the shore. "The firebenders fought back, but the warriors drove them downhill..."

Stepping on the shore through the trees, I looked out at the vast ocean. It's water lapping at the shore. Just along the edge of the water sat an abandoned boat. The deep blue flags billowed in the wind as the front of the boat curved, looking like a sea serpent. A wave of emotions coursed through me as I took in the sight. I called to my siblings and rushed forth. I slid on the sand as I pushed my body to the boat. A smile danced on my lips as I brushed my hand against the smoothed wood. This had was definitely one of our tribe's ships.

"Is this... Dad's boat?" Katara asked as she stepped forward.

"No," Sokka sighed, then a smile appeared on his face. "But it's from his fleet. Dad was here."

I smiled at the thought of my father. The man was brave and strong. When he left to fight for the Earth Kingdom it broke my heart. It felt like we just lost mom and now we were losing him, too. I touched my bare neck at the thought of my parents.

"We should set up camp here," Sokka said glancing at the ship. "Maybe we if stay the night, the warriors will come back to the ship."

"Sounds perfect," I hummed and left to gather firewood.

Walking through the forest, looking for loose twigs and branches, my mind wandered back to the prediction Aunt Wu had given me. I could not understand what she meant. How was I supposed to fall in love with a person who was part of a nation that tore my family apart? What would my siblings think? What would my father think? ... What would my mother think?

Sighing, I glanced up to the night sky and saw the sun setting in the distance. Satisfied with my bundle of twigs and branches, I made my way back to the group. Helping Sokka position the wood, we swiftly started a fire. I looked at him with a smile as the flames began to eat away at the wood; it reminded me of the times when we were back in our village. We ate dinner in silence, just listening to the world around us. The water hummed in the distance, signing its nightly song as the moon raised high into the sky.

Shuffling into my sleeping bag, I wished the group goodnight before letting sleep consume my body and mind.

"How could you, Kadence?" Dream Sokka yelled at me. "Falling in love with a guy from the Fire Nation is bad, but him?" Dream Sokka pointed off to a silhouetted figure in the distance. "That's beyond horrible. Mom would hate you!"

Gasping, I snapped my eyes open. My heart hammered in my chest as the dream rang through my mind. I clutched my chest as a stray tear left my eye. The sand shifted next to the dying fire. Looking over, I saw Sokka tending the flames in silence. His face contorted as if he was lost in thought. His blue eyes snapped toward me as a branch snapped in the distance.

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