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The next morning, I dressed in a modified version of my Water Tribe garb. I sliced my dress across the middle and slipped the loose flowing crop top over my head. Then, I cut the skirt up to my side, synched it around my waist, and allowed my bandages to poke out along my leg. After grabbing my prepacked bag, I headed out the door and down to the beach.

Stepping into the hallway, I closed the door behind me and turned to walk down the hall, only to slam into a toned chest. Glancing up, I met the golden eyes that I had grown so fond of. Coughing to clear my throat, I took a light step back.

"Sorry," Zuko scratched the back of his neck, "I was just looking for Aang."

"What? Where is he?" I asked frantically looking to my left and right.

"I don't know. I haven't seen him all morning." Zuko hummed, pulling me along down the hall.

The two of us opened random doors and called out to the bald-headed monk. The rest of the group had joined us in our search. We looked high and low for the small boy, but no one could find him. I followed Zuko toward the balcony where our posse stood, staring at Aang's face. Toph suggested that he ran away, while Sokka suggested that he was in the Spirit World. Neither of their stories lined up. Katara suggested we spread out and look for him.

"I'm going with Zuko!" Toph cried as she clung to Zuko's arm. The scarred boy blushed. "What? Everyone else went on a life-changing field trip with Zuko. Kadence went on two-"

"Hey, I was breaking out of prison on the first one, doesn't count." I pointed at the girl.

"Well, now, it's my turn," Toph hugged Zuko tighter.

Zuko blushed an even deeper red. I grabbed Sokka's arm and pulled him along with me. As I passed Zuko, I patted him on the arm and wished him luck. Sokka and I searched around the perimeter of the island with Appa. I scrutinized the ground, trying to spot the boy, but it was no use. After we landed, Appa took off again, looking for his master, his best friend. Sokka and I lounged on a wall waiting for everyone to return.

"Judging by the looks on your faces, I'm guessing you didn't find Aagn either," Sokka stated as he jumped off the wall and I followed his lead.

"No. It's like he just... disappeared," Zuko breathed with a worried expression.

"Hey," Toph cried from the ground, "has anyone noticed Momo's missing too?"

"Oh no!" Sokka turned around in horror and fell to his knees. "I knew it was only a matter of time. Appa ate Momo!" Sokka dashed from his knelt position and started peering into Appa's mouth. "I'm coming for ya, buddy!"

"Sokka," Katara said calmly. "Appa didn't eat Momo. He's probably with Aang."

"That's just what Appa wants you to think!" Sokka cried as he crawled deeper into the Appa's jaws.

"Get out of the bison's mouth, Sokka," Zuko stated with an annoyed expression at my brother's antics. "We have a real problem here. Aang is nowhere to be found and the comet is only two days away."

"What should we do, Zuko?" I asked, turning to the boy.

"I don't know." Zuko hummed standing from his spot as the group looked toward him. "Why are you all looking at me like that?"

"Well," I drawled, "you are kinda the expert on tracking Aang."

"Yeah, if anyone's got experience hunting the Avatar, it's you," Toph stated.

I chuckled under my breath as I watched my twin slip on the saliva, he was covered in. Smiling, I turned back to Zuko. He had a thoughtful look on his face. A flash crossed his golden eyes as he looked toward me and declared he knew what to do. Grabbing my hand, he dragged me over to Appa and hoisted me up as the rest of the group followed.

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