Northern Water Tribe: Part II

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That passionate kiss was weeks ago. Nedek and I grew closer the longer we stayed here, but I knew there would come a time when I had to leave, and he had to stay. A warrior came to our room, early this morning, telling me that the prince requested my presence. I tried to deny him, informing him that I was supposed to meet with Master Pakku for another training, but the man would not listen.

"Can I at least tell Master Pakku why I'm missing my lesson?" I asked.

"You may," the man barked.

Thanking him, I stepped out of the room and rushed toward the training grounds where Katara and Aang were.

"Ahh, young Kadence, you're just in time for a sparring lesson," Master Pakku smiled at me. My face fell at the thought of missing my lesson. "Is something the matter?"

"My presence has been requested by the prince," I sighed a little irritated. Nedek knew how much I loved learning from Master Pakku. "I'm afraid I have to miss today's lesson."

"Hmmm... very well. If the prince requests you, I will not keep you," Master Pakku readied himself to bow to me. "But I'm afraid the only way to get to the prince's home, is through those doors, past your sister." A sly smile covered the man's face.

"What do you – Agh!" I yelled as the water was blasted at me. Katara stood with a satisfied smirk.

"Ohhh, it's on, little sister," I chuckled and readied myself.

Katara blasted what at me again, but this time I dodged it. Twirling the water into a sphere, I shoved my hands out in front of me, sending a blast her way. Katara slid out of the way and sent a whip flying my way, I ducked and ran at her. Charging, I pulled water with me and slip on my feet, knocking Katara's feet from beneath her. Spinning on my heel, I turned my water into ice and flew it at her. She rolled out of the way, even though she knew I wouldn't let it hit her.

Katara swirled a ribbon of water around her and sent it my way. The ribbon trickled up my leg, I slashed her stream and pulled water from a nearby jug. Concentrating my energy, I pulled the water in a circle around my body and grew eight separate streams around me. Her eyes widened, then narrowed. She began flinging icepicks at me. I used the streams of water to block her every move. Dropping the arms, I swirled the water around me and thrust it outward, knocking her back. As her body collided with the ground, I twisted my foot and pulled the snow around her locking her body in place before slamming a gush of water down on her.

Satisfied with my work, I slapped my hands as if brushing off the dust. Katara sputtered as she sat from her place on the ground. She smirked at me and reaching her hand out, she twisted her wrist, closed her hand, and pulled, shifting the snow beneath me. I yelled as my body stumbled back. I was about to throw the water away from her when slow clapping could be heard from behind me.

Turning around, I saw Chief Arnook standing there. He smiled down at me.

"I see, Master Pakku has two bright students on his hands."

"That, I do," Master Pakku stepped forward and rested his hand on my shoulder. "I hope Prince Nedek is not upset with young Kadence. I am the one who kept her behind."

"Nonsense," Chief Arnook smiled. "Though, Kadence," the chief turned his attention to me, "if you'd please." He stepped aside and gestured for me to come.

"Thank you, Master Pakku," I bowed to my master.

The man bowed back before I turned on my heel and ran up the ice steps. The chief led me through a set of doors, into the plaza where Nedek was, pacing. The chief excused himself, leaving Nedek and me alone. Cautiously, I made my way to the pacing figure. The floor crunched beneath my feet as I walked toward him. Nedek looked up at the sound, smiling at me.

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